Form I-600A, or the Application for Advance Processing of an Orphan Petition, is a crucial step in the process of adopting a child from another country. This form is used to initiate a pre-adoption investigation that helps the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) determine whether the prospective adoptive parents are suitable to adopt a child from another country.
Before a U.S. citizen can adopt a child from another country, they must first obtain approval from the USCIS by filing an orphan petition. The purpose of this petition is to establish that the child is an orphan, as defined by U.S. immigration law, and that the prospective adoptive parents are eligible and suitable to adopt the child.
Form I-600A is the initial application for the advance processing of an orphan petition. This form is used to request that the USCIS conduct a preliminary evaluation of the prospective adoptive parents, their home, and their ability to provide for the child they intend to adopt. The purpose of this evaluation is to identify any potential issues or concerns that could affect the approval of the orphan petition.
The I-600A application is typically submitted before the prospective adoptive parents have identified a specific child to adopt. This allows them to initiate the pre-adoption investigation process and obtain approval from the USCIS in advance, so that they can proceed with the adoption process more quickly once they identify a child to adopt.
How to Complete and Submit Form I-600A
Completing and submitting Form I-600A can be a complex process, but with the right guidance, it can be done successfully.
The first step in completing Form I-600A is to carefully read the instructions provided by the USCIS. The instructions provide detailed information on how to complete each section of the form and what documents must be submitted along with the application.
One of the key requirements of the I-600A application is that the prospective adoptive parents must undergo a background check, which includes a criminal history check and a child abuse registry check. This process can take several weeks to complete, so it’s important to initiate the background check process as early as possible.
Once the I-600A application has been completed and all required documents have been gathered, it must be submitted to the USCIS along with the appropriate filing fee. The USCIS will review the application and conduct a preliminary evaluation of the prospective adoptive parents.
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If the USCIS approves the I-600A application, the prospective adoptive parents will receive an approval notice in the mail. This approval notice is valid for 15 months and can be used to initiate thWhat is Form I-600A and How Does it Work?e adoption process once a specific child has been identified.
In conclusion, Form I-600A is an essential step in the process of adopting a child from another country. It allows prospective adoptive parents to initiate a pre-adoption investigation and obtain approval from the USCIS in advance, so that they can proceed with the adoption process more quickly once they identify a child to adopt. While completing and submitting the I-600A application can be a complex process, it is well worth the effort for those who are committed to providing a loving home for a child in need.