Hairloss can be an acute problem sometimes. Ask someone who is a victim of it and they will tell you how deeply concerning it is and how deep effects it can leave in your life. For a person who is young in their 20s or 30s losing hair can mean shattering of confidence to meet with friends, family in occasions or outings, shyness.
General causes of hairloss
The causes of hairloss are plenty starting from genetic problems, environmental problems, and even physical problems. Here we will be taking up the environmental causes and see how to find out the best remedies to treat them.
If you are suffering from hairloss don’t feel worried as there are plenty of treatment methods. For instance, you can try out checking the morr pro serum reviews. It is a serum therapy for preventing hair loss and boosting hair growth.
Here are the three environmental factors that can lead to loss of hair-
Poor quality of water for hair wash
One of the main causes is the water which you are using for washing your hair. You can use any costly or high care shampoo or conditioner or even hair oil. But if the water you are using for bathing or washing hair is not of good quality it can lead to hair loss.
Water sometimes can have metals in them such as iron and other minerals. This is most commonly seen in the water storage cans and buckets as a jagged layer of brownish deposit. Water containing minerals and iron is not all good for hair. It damages the hair follicles and causes loss of hair.
If you want to already undergo hair loss try using good quality of water after proper treatment. You can also undergo morr pro hair serum therapy for preventing hair loss. Before using check on the morr pro serum review.
High air pollution in the cities
Air pollution us one of the most important concerns of hair loss for the city dwellers. A high amount of soot, smoke, fly ash and suspended dust particles will damage the hair follicles over tie and lead to hair loss.
To prevent this problem you can use caps or hair bands for women. Try to shield your hair from the dusty and polluted air outside as much as possible. Use good quality shampoo and conditioners for better results. Wash hair after coming back from the office or supermarket.
If you are already undergoing hair loss check the morr pro serum reviews and use morr pro for preventing hair loss.
Your job can lead to your hairloss
Do you know that your job can cause hair loss? Excess stress is one thing that will lead to baldness or even receding of the hair lining and broadening of the forehead.
Apart from these people working in the chemical factors, asbestos factories and industries can suffer from hair loss as they are exposed to fumes of chemicals that damage hair follicles. Even people working in pathological centers or research organizations in the radiology department can experience hair loss as they are exposed to high levels of radiation.
Ask your doctor whether you can use the morr pro serum and try out checking the morr pro hair serum review.