There may be a time in your life when you will need legal representation, whether you plan to or not. Some of these times will be because you need representation for something you have done or you file a civil case against someone. Knowing who to go to will help you and save you time.
Most lawyers will offer a free consultation, not only to ensure you are someone they can work with but also to get basic information about your case to match you with the right person on their legal team.
It is worth taking the company up on this consultation. Not only will it help you meet the team you could work with, but it will also give you an idea that you are going to the right people.
Different types of lawyers specialize in different areas of law; however, some will specialize in several within their firm. In this article, we will discuss some of the various types of lawyers and why you need them.
Lawsuits can happen for various reasons, but they are mostly civil and not criminal. Although any civil litigation lawyer could bring about a lawsuit, it is important to look at what the lawyer has worked with in the past.
For example, a lawyer who has worked in an administration or HR field defending work rights may not help much if you take a pharmaceutical company to court.
A good example of an ongoing lawsuit that many people have joined and will potentially join or take upon themselves is against the pharmaceutical companies that make the Suboxone drug, a medication commonly used to help people who are dependent on opioid medications.
Dr. Nick Oberheiden, the leading lawyer of Oberheiden P.C., has helped many people bring about a successful Suboxone lawsuit due to dental problems brought about through long-term use or high-volume use of this medication.
This lawsuit has been a large lawsuit due to the medication not showing tooth decay and damage as a potential side effect of this medication.
In 2022, the side effects were changed; however, anyone on this medication before this date would not have been aware of the effect this could have on their teeth. If you have taken this medication it may be worth speaking with Nick Oberheiden and seeing if you have a case to file a lawsuit on these grounds.
Criminal Defense
In criminal cases, you will only be looking to hire a defense attorney and in most cases, if you cannot afford one the state will supply one for you, however, this may not always be in your best interest. Finding a good criminal defense lawyer may be challenging if you don’t know what you are looking for.
State-appointed lawyers often have large caseloads and will not have as much time to dedicate to your case, and this could be pivotal depending on your charges. Where you can afford to it is worth looking for your legal representation you will be paying them to spend time on your case and you will get more from this.
Many defense lawyers will want to decide if they can take you as a client based on how likely you are to have your case win. It doesn’t look good on a defense lawyer if they lose cases. Depending on your state and charges you may want to look for a specialist defense lawyer in your case. This is not always necessary, but you will want to look into the areas of law the lawyer you are hiring has worked in.
Prosecution Lawyers
You will never need a prosecution lawyer as these are only really needed in criminal law and will be hired by the state or government. Most people will think that if they are filing a lawsuit they will need a lawyer to prosecute but in civil litigation, this is called a claimant and you would be a plaintiff if you are defending in a civil litigation lawsuit.
Civil v Criminal
In most cases, people will need a lawyer for a civil matter more than they will require a criminal lawyer if they do not break the law. This is because you will require a civil lawyer for any case you bring to court, whether this is for a divorce, filing for contact with your child, or any other civil case, such as the one mentioned earlier.
This is why there are different branches of civil lawyers, such as those who specialize in medical law, family law, and personal injury. In these instances it is worth looking into the field of law you need, for example, you would need a family law specialist to file for a divorce. Once you know which type of law you need and the type of lawsuit you plan to file you can then look at the different lawyers who specialize in this type of law in your area.
In most cases it is worth contacting a few attorneys and speaking about your case for any free time they can offer, as well as getting prices for if you choose to use this lawyer for your case. Some may agree to take your case and others may refer you elsewhere, depending on your case and if they have the time available to fit in your case. It would be advised to discuss your options with your chosen lawyer before filing a lawsuit. Having legal aid and a lawyer to help you can be the difference between your case failing or succeeding in many cases.
Although many people will look at different areas of law as criminal or civil, most people will think a civil lawyer can do most cases. This is not always the case, though depending on how big the law firm is you may find that one law firm will have a lawyer to help you regardless of your case. If you need a criminal defense lawyer you can take the government appointment lawyer and have cheaper costs, however, this will not always be in your best interest due to the level of cases these lawyers work. Save yourself the trouble when you’re potentially in trouble and find a law firm or lawyer who you can depend on for any case you may need.