Whether you spend only a little time online or many hours, the key is to do it in a safe manner.
Yes, from identity theft to dangers of one harassing you online, there are potential pitfalls when on the web.
With that in mind, how best to go about improving your online security needs?
Don’t Set Yourself up for Potential Trouble
In doing more to safeguard your online activities, here are three keys to keep in mind:
1. Protect your info – From credit cards to where you live and work and more protect your info when online. Know that there are online thieves simply waiting for an opportunity to strike. If one or more of them are successful against you when you are on the Internet, it can create hardships in your life. Never assume that you are 100 percent safe when online. This is especially true when using a computer that is not yours. Such examples would be at a library or on the road at a hotel. Never do things like online banking and other such matters on a computer you can’t all but guarantee is secure. Last, make sure any computer you use has an anti-virus protection program installed. It does not take much for one’s computer to be hacked. If this occurs, it can be quite a headache. That is especially with finances and being taken to the cleaners by an identity theft thief.
2. Shop smart in buying online – It is not uncommon to see folks on their computers and phones to buy things. Saving the hassle of driving to and from a store, parking, and crowds, online shopping is quite popular. According to digitalcommerce360.com, American shoppers spent in 2020 spent close to $862 billion over the Internet. Odds are you were part of that figure. That said always be sure to protect your financial info. Only give out what is necessary to buy goods or services online. If you’re a video gamer, you might go online in search of a headset for Xbox or other gaming need. Be sure to order from a secure checkout page and make sure you are dealing with a reputable brand. As commonplace as ordering goods and services online is these days, you want to be smart in the process.
3. Don’t pass around personal info like candy – You likely trust your significant other or another trusted family member with your personal info. That said this likely is not the same with others in your life. That said you want to be careful who gets such info. For example, sharing your credit card info with a co-worker is not a good idea. While he or she may seem like they have good intentions, things can spiral out of control rather fast. Also make sure you keep user names and passwords to yourself or only hand out to those you trust in your family.
When you take the steps to improve your online security needs, you can rest a little more comfortable.
That is to know your odds of being the next victim go down.