You may have heard that a broken mirror attracts misfortune. The number 9, in Japanese culture, is also seen as a sign of bad luck. In some parts of Afghanistan, the number 39 is considered cursed. Different cultures have different conceptions of circumstances that can bring bad luck, but what they have in common is that they all believe that bad luck exists. However, no one knows what causes bad luck.
A house in London may well be linked to bad luck: 59 Hamilton Terrace in St John’s Wood has reportedly brought ill fortune to many of its inhabitants.
The house was a building site for many years. Many builders and contractors were on site every day working late to meet deadlines and targets. These men were industry men: down-to-earth, hardy, tough, very masculine and not known for being overly sentimental. Yet, many of them were reportedly deeply frightened on several occasions by unexplained phenomena at 59 Hamilton Terrace.
Builders heard strange and intimidating noises ranging from high-pitched to thumps and banging. At first, the workmen thought that their co-workers were playing practical jokes. Unfortunately, it soon became clear that the strange noises seemed to emanate from the fabric of the house itself, the walls and floors. Noise monitoring and recording experts were called in, but the disturbing noises could not be traced despite extensive investigations and seemed designed by the house to scare away or warn inhabitants.
Soon, no builder would agree to enter rooms alone or after dark. Groups of workmen would only work if working together or if in line of sight of each other. Some workers refused to go back to the site.
Many workmen have described the events as “chilling” or “upsetting”, words that you would not normally associate with strong, tough-minded workmen. The matter is still shrouded in mystery.
Bothersome tales about 59 Hamilton Terrace stretch back to the 19th Century. The Spenser family with 4 children (2 boys and 2 girls) moved next door in the 1880s. London was bursting with Empire, and Queen Victoria reigned over a large empire.
Everything seemed to go well for the Spensers for a year or two. However, before long, two of the children (Michael and Anna) began to complain about the area and that they were afraid that things were not right. The parents, although concerned, dismissed their complaints. How could the entire family be expected to move with such short notice based on unscientific complaints? The children continued to protest that they were scared. The parents listened attentively but did not take further action. With each passing year, the health of these two children began to deteriorate. The eldest boy began to lose weight dramatically, complaining that “the house was making him lose his appetite.” The youngest girl became more and more withdrawn, unwilling to engage with others she viewed as “scary”. The Spensers became increasingly worried. They approached many doctors, but the medical practitioners were thoroughly perplexed as numerous physical inspections did not reveal any clear causes. The whole matter seemed preposterous yet deeply disturbing and inexplicable. Eventually, after years of complaints and suffering, the Spensers packed their bags, sold the house, and moved to the countryside, putting Hamilton Terrace firmly behind them. The house had successfully moved its inhabitants.
Other stories abound about 59 Hamilton Terrace. Could the bad luck associated with 59 Hamilton Terrace be linked to burials, bad nature or negative energy?
Like the varied beliefs concerning bad luck around the world, we cannot be sure of the causes of these incidents, but perhaps avoiding bad luck is better than years of research learning where it comes from or why.