Dry eyes are the most common condition that results when the lacrimal glands (tear-producing glands) do not produce adequate tears for lubrication of the eyes.
Inadequate tear secretion will lead to inflammation and damage the eye, resulting in burning and stinging sensations. A person suffering from dry eyes will notice difficulty driving at night, eye redness, blurred vision, and a prickly feeling that feels like the presence of something in the eyes.
Dry eyes may occur if there is decreased production of tears or increased evaporation of tears. People suffering from dry eyes may opt for specific treatments to make themselves feel comfortable by changing lifestyles or taking eye drops. Hell’s Kitchen comprehensive ophthalmologist can guide you with treatment options for dry eyes.
- Eye drops or ointment: A person suffering from dry eyes can use an ointment, which helps by increasing moisture content. This is the most beneficial treatment for many patients suffering from dry eye syndrome.
- Lacrimal plugs: Doctors may advise the patient to use plugs that help block the drainage holes present at the corner of the eyes.
This is a painless and reversible method that helps in slowing down the loss of tears.
- Medication: Patients suffering from dry eye syndrome are often advised to intake anti-inflammatory medication, which helps in increasing the number of tears in the eyes and lowers the risk of damage to the eyes.
The patients taking medication are advised to use corticosteroid eye drops for a short period till the drug starts showing its effect.
Pilocarpine (a cholinergic drug) is also beneficial, which helps in stimulating tear production.
- Surgery: If patients are suffering from severe dry eye syndrome and no other treatment methods benefit the patient, a doctor might advise the patient to undergo surgery.
In this procedure, the doctor will permanently block the draining holes at the corner of the eyes to maintain adequate tears.
- Changing in lifestyle: If the patient suffers from dry eye syndrome, they are often advised to stay away from cigarette smoke and always wear eyewear while doing outdoor activities, especially in windy weather.
- Home remedies: Using dry humidifiers, washing eyes every one to two hours, or staying in the room with increased moisture and away from dry climate will decrease dry eyes.
If you are suffering from dry eye syndrome, you should consult a doctor to get the proper treatment based on the severity of your disease.