If you have been looking for a safe and convenient male improvement solution, you are in the right place. I will introduce to you a penis enhancer called Phallosan Forte. It is a penis enhancer that works to physically stretch your penis. Perhaps, you aren’t confident about your penis size, so this product is perfect for you. Frequent and consistent use of this device can increase the size of your penis over time.
Using this product frequently and consistently, Phallosan Forte gains are enormous. It is completely safe to use. It’s one of the few FDA approved penis enlargement products gaining popularity due to its ease of use and effectiveness, helping many men with a small penis to regain their confidence by working as a penis extender.
Designed of Phallosan Forte
- It is a carefully designed product that is made from hypoallergenic silicone, and it functions with the help of vacuum suction to stretch the penis over time without any pain or discomfort.
- It is equipped with different sleeves, each having different amounts of pressure.
When you do, you’ll see these items in the package contents:
1) Sleeve Condom: This is a hypoallergenic sleeve condom made of silicone. The sleeve condom comes in three sizes (S-M-L) and different thicknesses are available.
2) Suction Bells: With three different bell sizes (S-M-L), you can easily choose the one that fits you best based on the results of the measuring gauge that comes in the box.
3) Protection Cap: This is the elastic protector cap that keeps your valuables safe, preventing anything from being squeezed too hard. The protector cap is quite easy to customize as well.
4) Elastic Belt: This is an orthopedic stretching belt system and is a good pick for treating Peyronie’s Disease. The foam ring keeps it steady.
5) Tension Clip: This indicates the amount of tension being applied or used in your device at any given moment. You don’t want too much tension to the penis this product is pretty comfortable if worn right.
How Fast Does Phallosan Forte Work?
This product really works, but not overnight. It will be weird to get an overnight result. It requires consistent usage just like every worthwhile penis stretcher, or any men’s improvement solution.
You will need to use it frequently and consistently for 4-6 months (up to 12 hours per day) to see significant results because this device is medically-formulated and uses mechanical stretching. The joy of it is that the more you use it the better blood circulation you receive and this will help with length gains and overall size increase.
However, this product is not like most penis extenders that only focus on the shaft, this also focuses on the head to expand size overall. It is important for you especially when you’re looking to gradually grow your penis over time.
Moreso, it can be helpful for the treatment of Peyronie’s disease, for straightening the curve of your penis. It can also be an assistant for post-surgery after prostate cancer operations.