If you’re looking to shed off the extra kilos and have made an endless Google-search in order to find out what yoga is really for, you are in the right place. Other than being a powerful way to lose weight, yoga is also an effective method for;
- Improving respiration
- Getting ahead of stress
- Increasing muscle tone
- Balancing metabolism
- Increasing flexibility
- Channeling energy and vitality
- And a whole lot more…
In this post, I will review some of the most simple but effective yoga poses for weight loss. By the way, check out on these yoga
classes in nashville center.
Let’s get started.
Triangle Pose; Trikonasana
This is, in essence, effective for those who want to slim down on their waist, waistline, and belly. The triangle pose is the lazy man’s pose that is also effective in the area of burning fat in the thighs and hamstrings. Unlike most other asanas, this one doesn’t make your muscle shake neither does it give you an after-exercise pain in any fashion. Other than fat burning, a scheduled performance of this pose will establish an improvement in digestion, balance, and concentration.
Shoulder Stand; Sarvangasana
Having an under-active or overactive thyroid level usually walk hand in hand together with other metabolism problems of which excess fat or weight is the most common. With this shoulder stand, you can improve digestion, boost metabolism, stabilize your thyroid levels, and ultimately slim down. Other benefits of this pose are; improvement in both sleep and respiratory system coupled with the strengthening of your upper body from the abdominal muscle upward.
Warrior Pose; Virabhadrasana
Now, this warrior pose comes in three versions. Whichever of the three you perform is dependent on how strong and disciplined you are. It’s like moving from beginner’s level to become a pro at warrior pose III which is more potent. But here’s what you stand on your shoulders to get; you tone your thighs and your shoulders, tone your belly fat, strengthen your abdominal muscle, tighten your quads, and improve your concentration. Yay!
Downward Dog Pose; Adho Mukha Svanasana
This is yet another potent but super-easy yoga postures that you’ll only need to hold for 1-10-minutes morning and evening. And the result? If you’re consistent and serious with your exercise, you’ll start noticing how your back, hamstrings, arms, and thighs begin to get toned in the first 1-2-weeks. By holding this pose for a 1-minute interval through your session while paying attention to your breath, you can generate a reasonable amount of inner heat that melts those fats for easy elimination out of your body system.
Twisted Chair Pose; Parivrtta Utkatasana
Now, this one may not be all too easy. But it works like medicine. The twisted chair pose is a reverse squat that shares one thing in common with the previous shoulder stand pose which is having your shoulders to the ground. Other than being a weight loss exercise, a regular performance of twisted chair pose improves both your digestive system and the lymph system.