How effective is laser hair removal?
Laser treatment for hair removal works by using focussed light in areas where there is unwanted or excessive hair growth. It can be used to remove hair from the face, chin, leg, underarm, bikini line etc.
The precision that can be achieved with lasers is desired by Indian consumers. Laser hair removal treatment in Pune is garnering attention for its effectiveness. The beautiful, dusky shade of Indian skin tone, calls for hair removal to gain more radiant skin. Hence, many Indian women are opting for it as the days pass.
Is it safe?
Laser hair removal is perfectly safe when it is done in a professional clinic, using safe and effective equipment. This procedure was first approved by the FDA (United States Food and Drug Administration) in 1997. Laser hair removal treatments in Pune comply to the government standards , by using only doctors or licensed professionals. Failure to conform to these guidelines can result in cancellation of the license. It is advisable to visit only licensed practitioners. A thorough background check of the clinic and its practices, one is planning to visit, is recommended. One has to ensure that all the do’s and don’ts before and after the procedure are followed.
Does it reduce body odour?
The answer is Yes. Studies have proven that underarm hair is a breeding ground for bacteria. These bacteria live on the skin and break down the sweat into acids, making it reek. Hence, getting rid of the hair effectively using laser treatment, can permanently address the problem of body odour.
How long does it take?
It usually takes between four- five sessions for most people. There needs to be an interval between each session. Full removal usually takes about 2-3 months. This time varies depending on the degree of body hair. People with scarce body hair require lesser sessions for complete removal.
Are there any side effects?
There may be minor issues only in some patients. It is observed that some experience blisters or irritation similar to sunburn. Redness and scarring scarcely happens. All these effects can be minimised by the application of a cooling gel before and after the procedure.
Waxing or other procedures should be avoided before undergoing laser hair removal. It is not advisable for pregnant women to take the procedure. Infections and other risks can be generally avoided in clinics which follow safe practices.
Is it painful?
It depends on the area being treated. Some areas like the upper lip and bikini line comparatively hurt more than the others. The underarm is also an area which is rather painful as the skin there is thin. Moreover, the pain is compared to a mild tingling one. It is worth the long term results that laser treatment can guarantee.
Is it permanent?
It is mostly permanent. But sometimes the hair follicles may just be damaged and not destroyed. So, it delays the hair growth. This is why laser treatment is sometimes referred to as long term hair removal rather than permanent. For patients with scarce body hair the results are often permanent.
Compared to the other procedures like waxing or shaving, laser treatment undoubtedly offers more long-term results. People can save up on the time, money and effort spent on going to the salon twice or thrice a month.
Does laser treatment improve the appearance of skin?
Because lasers work by penetrating into the skin and destroying the follicle, it also activates collagen production. Collagen is the protein responsible for maintaining the skin elasticity. As we age, there is a deficit of collagen leading to sagging skin. Lasers can help restore that youthful glow by stimulating collagen production.
Improving the texture of the skin, making it smoother and clearer are all benefits of undergoing laser hair removal. It can also help heal sun damage and discolouration.
Is laser treatment better than waxing?
Waxing may offer instant results. But in terms of long-lasting effects laser treatment is the better choice. It is less painful than waxing. The costs incurred in the long run can be saved by opting for a laser hair removal treatment. Waxing every other day can be exhausting for some.
One of the best reasons why people prefer lasers over waxing is that it completely gets rid of the problem of ingrown hair. Ingrown hair causes extreme pain and discomfort and is usually a by-product of waxing. Laser treatment is convenient and comfortable. There is no discomfort involved. No messy clean ups and wax stains. Lasers are clean and safe.