Conducting Facebook contests to promote your business is a part of social media marketing. Doing it properly and effectively will bring a lot of benefits to you. It will not only boost your energy, but it will also increase brand awareness. To be precise, you can connect with people with the help of this initiative. There are plenty of benefits that Facebook contests have to offer, which are:
- Develop awareness
We already discussed that running Facebook contests for your business will enhance brand awareness. Be it a page or a product, this setup is going to help you a lot. There are various contest platforms that you can choose from. Amongst them, some platforms come with a share button. People can use that button to share this with their friends, which ensures the spreading of your brand. And that is essential when it comes to awareness. Creating a high quality instructions and rules for your contest is mandatory. Remember that, most of the contestants buy online votes from voting agencies to get fast votes.
- Construct community
To enjoy this benefit, the primary thing that you need to do is to make sure that you are running the contest effectively. There is a possibility that people don’t know about your business or brand. One of the efficacious ways to make them know about your brand is by sharing about it. So, when your friends, family, and social coteries are sharing about your contest, it is contributing to community building. So, when we are discussing the benefits of Facebook contests, mentioning this point is imperative. All the businesses and brands give a lot of effort to build their community.
- Attract new people
Enticing new people towards your business or brand is one of the key factors for success. And running a Facebook competition is one of the convenient ways to do that. For instance, when you will conduct a Facebook competition, it will allure numerous people to participate in it. And to participate in the contest they have to like your page. So, when they like your page, your brand awareness as well as engagement, is also getting a boost. Hence, organizing a contest will play a pivotal role in drawing potential customers on the boards.
- Increase sales
We know that the fundamental purpose of organizing Facebook contests is to enhance your brand’s visibility. However, nothing can be better than converting those leads into sales. To be specific, your visitors will turn into your customers. For that, one thing you can do is to incorporate a link to the contest, which will land your visitors to your website to buy contest votes. There they have to fill a quick form, which will aid you in crafting a potential list of the customers. Well, you can use them as your leads.
- Improve brand engagement
If you want to maintain an acceptable presence in social media, brand engagement is essential. And for that, running a Facebook contest is one of the most impactful and convenient ways. Once you conduct a contest, you will witness significant growth in likes, comments, and shares, which signifies the improvement of your engagement. Also, it may happen that people who haven’t interacted with you earlier will get in touch with you after the contest.
- Expand subscribers
Increasing the number of subscribers is one of the vital reasons to conduct these competitions. Well, to make people subscribe to your mail newsletter, these competitions on Facebook are one of the best options. Prepare the system in a way that people have to fill a quick form before participating in the contests.
Now that you know the benefits of conducting contests on Facebook, you should try to organize it precisely. Trust us when we say that it is quite a herculean task to find out the winner amongst all.