Studies show that approximately half a million people undergo surgery to correct CTS. While the common idea is that it affects people who spend years using computers and typing, it is not always the case. Anyone who performs repetitive hand movements can be a victim. If you have carpal tunnel syndrome in North Austin, Republic Spine & Pain offers services to relieve your discomfort and restore mobility.
Who is at a higher risk of developing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
According to experts, people who have this symptom may experience some tingling or numbness in their hands, a feeling of an electric shock in the index fingers and thumb, or pain that travels toward the shoulder. Risk factors include:
- Age: Adults who are past the age of 30 may have higher chances of developing this condition than the younger ones.
- Sex: Pregnancy is a risk factor for CTS, mostly for those who retain fluid. Therefore, women are at a higher risk compared to men.
- Preexisting health condition: People dealing with alcoholism, arthritis, diabetes, and gout may be more vulnerable than healthy ones.
- Occupation: Having a job that involves repetitive hand movements may increase your chances of developing CTS.
- Anatomy: People who have small carpal tunnels in the wrists are at a higher risk of complications than those with larger ones.
Prevention of CTS
Take regular breaks
Try to give yourself a break at least once an hour for about 10 minutes. This period is essential to those who use tools that require a lot of force. Stretch your hands before resuming work.
Keep warm
Pain and stiffness will worsen when you are cold. Therefore, simple things like wearing gloves to keep warm will make a difference. The gloves do not need to have fingers to keep your wrists and hands warm.
Keep the right posture
It is not all about your hands. You have to maintain the right posture for the rest of the body by not rolling your shoulders forward. Not watching your body’s posture may lead to shortened shoulder and neck muscles and, in turn, worsen your wrist problems.
Try switching up
Avoid doing the same hand and wrist repetitive movements. Instead, mix your tasks or switch between hands to give your muscles some rest. It may look simple, but it can make a significant difference.
Go for a softer touch
Sometimes, without even noticing, we use more force than required to get jobs done. Even the small things like pounding our computer keyboards may be using more than the necessary force. Learn to use just sufficient pressure to get things done. Loosen that grip.
Change your workspace
If the condition you are working in causes you problems, consider changing to a more comfortable workstation. You can even speak with your supervisor to have a change of task. Repetitive tasks might bring you trouble.
The ways above will help to prevent and manage carpal tunnel syndrome. However, if you don’t see a responsive change or if the pain persists, seek medical attention. Advanced conditions may require surgery to correct. Schedule a consultation online with Republic Spine & Pain and start treatment. They deal with all pain management programs.