We have all watched Mary Poppins while growing up and would love to keep Mary Poppins themed dinners, birthdays, and teas at your house. Disney also released a brand new movie in 2018 packed with lots of fun stuff! It is a continuation of the previous one with Michael Banks, all grown up, and Mary returns to Jane! The movie is filled with balloons, musical numbers, and all the magic of Mary Poppin!
So if you want to keep a Mary Poppins themed dinner or any other party, then keep reading!
- Make sure to add some balloons to give it a Marry Poppins feel! Although balloons are considered childish and usually for birthday parties, try adding this to your dinner, even for adults, if you all are fans of Marry Poppins!
- Add oxygen absorbers to that list. They absorb oxygen and moist air and come in small sachets that contain a mixture of salt, water, iron powder, and zeolite powder. On the packaging of oxygen absorbers, there is a warning saying “do not eat” and usually comes in meat, foods, medicines, and vegetables.
It will help if you have oxygen absorbers packets because it removes excess oxygen from your food container and increases its shelf life. It is FDA approved and absorbs more than three times more oxygen than its weight. You can easily find oxygen absorber packets in India if you reside there. You will find good quality oxygen absorbers in India.
- You should also include silica gel in your grocery list. Silica gel is for keeping your food dry if you live in humid weather. However, it is not too common to use silica gel in food items, and you will usually find them in things such as vitamins, shoes, or to keep bags dry of moisture. It absorbs excess water vapor to limit the spoiling of certain items.
If you want to know which one is better than oxygen absorber vs silica gel, then oxygen absorbers packets certainly win. Since you will need oxygen absorbers to keep your food items dry at home, it will benefit you if you keep this at home and include it in your grocery list.
- Hang a picture of a bicycle at your party since it represents Mary Poppins movie where Michael Banks is seen bicycling around the town.
Keep reading for more ideas to host a birthday party using the Mary Poppin theme:
- Make floating invitations for the party. Use some oil on the cement to give it a shadow effect on the floor to give it a floating effect. Make your child stand and take a photo; it will provide the product as if your child is floating, and a cloudy day is the best for such a setting. You will achieve the floating effect perfect for your Mary Poppin theme birthday party!
- A costume party will work best for small kids. Set a Disney theme and lets the kids enjoy a Disney themed party! Children come dressed up as different characters, which will make it enjoyable for kids and adults.
- Also, try to keep some things to give to each kid when throwing a Mary Poppin themed birthday party. For example, maybe you can save some hats and gloves to give each child to make everyone feel included.
- Keep the kids entertained by using some arts and games during the party!
- Make sure to use some balloons and party hats according to the Mary Poppin theme.
- You can also play a game called a spoonful of sugar’, where each child gets a spoon and keep two bowls on each corner. Make the child stand on one line, tell them to fill the spoon with sugar, and put it in the empty bowl. The kids will enjoy this game!
- Keep food items as close to your theme as possible. Try to incorporate some English cakes and tea in your party and foods that adults will enjoy.
Pro tip: Make sure to involve your children in all the activities before you start a party! This way, your kids will enjoy the party more and enjoy more!
There are many other things which you should include in your grocery list when you want a Mary Poppin home themed birthday party or if you plan to host a dinner party of a hi-tea! The most important thing is to include the basic things you need for a Mary Poppins home! Maybe an English styled set up of your lounge or a picture of an umbrella or some bicycles to make your home feel and look like Mary Poppins home!