During these years serving healthy menus at home, We love food, but one of the easy ways to improve your health is by preparing more home meals. Eating homemade foods is generally much cheaper than eating at a hotel or buying processed foods from the market. we have observed that every day more moms at Noodle and Dumpling Coomera has to take care of the feeding of their college children who live outside the family home.
In this article, dedicated to all those cautious moms, we will not only talk about the time savings for students having their meals already prepared, but also about the advantages of eating a healthy and complete diet every day in daily routine :
Saving student time in shopping and cooking tasks means a better use of study time. The student will be able to take advantage of their rest periods to do an activity that really relaxes them and helps them to eliminate tension and loosen the muscles, such as going for a walk, running or doing a gym, swimming or aerobics session.
It is common that in exam seasons, students resort to eating fast foods such as pizzas, these foods are very high in calories but not very nutritious, so proteins, vitamins and minerals will be deficient in the diet. This circumstance (which is aggravated by a sedentary lifestyle) can cause muscle mass to decrease and with it, the production of muscle hormones will also decrease. This fact translates into a greater feeling of fatigue and loss of mental agility, something counterproductive for studying.
The vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients present in vegetables, fruits, fish, legumes, etc. they are really important for our body to function 100%. The B vitamins are closely related to memory and concentration capacity and appear in whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes
Choline is another really important element since it participates in the nervous impulses of the brain and therefore, its presence improves the ability to concentrate and memory. It appears in eggs, garlic, onion, eggplant, beans, and peas.
Omega-3 present in its most active form in oily fish is very important to maintain the flexibility of blood vessels and cells, something that becomes more important in the more sedentary stages due to long days of study. Omega-3s are very important in early brain development, but in adolescence and adulthood it also ensures the normal functioning of the brain and maintains the mood as it is a good natural antidepressant.
The contact of a student with a dietician-nutritionist will help them to acquire good habits of life, which in the long run translates into health and a better quality of life. We instill in our patients healthy habits such as the importance of a balanced diet as a way of life, a good breakfast or proper hydration, all of which are really important from the point of view of intellectual performance.
Substances and foods that increase serotonin such as those rich in tryptophan (whole grains, legumes, dairy products, etc.) or those rich in vitamin C (peppers, leafy vegetables and citrus fruits) and those that increase dopamine (which is another neurotransmitter) due to their presence of vitamin B6, tyrosine and phenylalanine, they are also essential for good mental performance and, once again, they are provided by a balanced diet. This helps alleviate academic stress and cope better with daily tasks, with greater mental agility and more dexterity.
Eating a correct diet is essential for university students who have a large teaching load, usually accompanied by a change of city and environment.
While in some communities the students are still immersed in Selectivity, in others, on the contrary, they are already enjoying a well-deserved vacation with their eyes set on the University. Many of them will leave family life behind to start a new adventure, fending for themselves without the help of mom and dad.
In this way, they should be the ones who prepare their own dishes, so they will need easy and inexpensive ideas, as well as healthy ones, that can be done without the need to spend too much time when exams and career work begin to tighten. . If your child is one of those who is going to start this path, do not hesitate to inform him of the dishes for students that we propose.
When we are going to turn the zucchini so that their sides are evenly done, it will be time to put a tablespoon of tomato on top. Then, add the diced ham, a handful of mozzarella cheese for gratin and, finally, a little oregano. Put it back in the oven and let it bake for another ten minutes. When they’re ready, enjoy the taste. What do you think? Do you want to repeat?
As you can see, the food of the students can also be healthy and balanced, you just have to find the right dishes leaving behind the temptations. These recipes are easy, quick and inexpensive, which are ideal for students who do not have much hand in the kitchen. Why not introduce them into your diet? Give your child these dishes to innovate in the kitchen!