As alternative medicine continues to grow in popularity around the world as a reputable treatment method, exciting developments in the digital space have also started to revolutionise the industry.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many traditionally ‘in-person’ activities have moved online, and the practice of alternative medicine is no exception to this modern transition. Although most individuals may be familiar with zoom work calls and online classrooms, what if the same principles were to be applied to alternative medicine therapies? Zoom teleprompter is also useful during the zoom conversation.
Although certainly a slow and difficult process, experts are predicting that many practices of alternative medicine will be moving to completely online operations in the near future. Currently, the most common types of alternative medicine therapies that are available online are counselling services and educational demonstrations – however such will become the foundation of many digital alternative medicine forms to come.
So what is the main reason behind the online transition of alternative medicine therapies? The simple answer is convenience. Unlike traditional western forms of medicine whereby patients are expected to visit general practitioners for a diagnosis in-person, alternative medicine is looking to shift the industry by improving patient experience.
Alternative medicine has always been more about prioritising their patients’ individual circumstances and creating treatment plans which account for specific body types, dietary requirements, separate states of mental health as well as general lifestyle routines. Hence it is no surprise that the alternative medicine industry would be the first to move online for the sake of increasing patient accessibility.
However, despite the alternative medicine industry’s obvious trends towards the digital space, bear in mind that there are still a few forms of alternative medicine that will (most likely) never be able to be completely transitioned online. Alternative medicines like acupuncture, chiropractic care and aromatherapy will never be offered online, as they require physical touch and in-person senses. Unless you are a qualified professional, it would be too dangerous to perform acupuncture and chiropractic care on yourself or on others – hence why the possibilities of such practices moving online are next to nil.
Besides such exceptions to online alternative medicine, an upcoming form of online alternative medicine is sound therapy. Sound therapy involves the use of sound to treat physical and mental conditions and has been traditionally used in indigenous societies around the world. Through professional drumming, singing and pulsating, sound therapy is thought to have a healing effect on its patients.
One of the most unique things about sound therapy is its ability to be practised online. Patients simply need to consult with a sound therapist and listen to therapeutic records to receive treatment. In this manner, patients are able to access sound therapy from the comfort of their home and avoid the risk of being intimidated by in-person meeting sessions. Patients report that when compared with in-person sessions, sound therapy is just as effective when experienced online.
This logic will be applicable to future forms of online alternative medicine, such as kinesiology, clinical nutrition therapies and even yoga therapy demonstrations. The future of online alternative medicine remains bright, and its digital transformation is most certain in today’s web-dominated times.