Most people will start searching for greeting cards whenever there is a major holiday or a special occasion. The majority of greeting cards out there are the same in every sense of the world. You could be looking to create something more personalized instead of sending the same card every holiday season. Contrary to popular belief, designing and creating a greeting card isn’t as hard as a lot of people think. It doesn’t matter if you’ll be selling or keeping the greeting card, we’ve highlighted some tips that will come in handy to design irresistible greeting cards.
Before you can even decide on the design of the greeting card, you’ll want to figure out what is required. If they’ll be for commercial use, you need to figure out what potential customers are looking for. The research process will also include the paper for greeting cards to be used depending on the designs that you’ll be coming up with. Find out about your niche and the kind of competition that exists. You also want to know the marketing bit if it is a business venture.
Choose The Card
With so many customizations available online and offline, it can be hard to choose the right greeting card. If you’ll be designing the cards on your own, there are resources that are already at your disposal that you might not be aware of. It is easy to come up with greeting cards using Word. There are tons of tutorials out there. It is easy to come up with a design in under 15 minutes after watching a few videos.
The first thing you’ll want to figure out is the design of the card. The majority of greeting cards are designed for A5 format. This is something that is easily available with Microsoft Word. A6 is also popular even though the greeting cards will be slightly smaller. If you’re looking for something unique and different, you can decide to go for square designs. They’re aesthetically appealing and have a modern design compared to traditional greeting cards.
Once you’ve decided on the design, the next challenge would be to pick the stock. This can be described as the material that the design you’ve created will be printed on. There has been an upward trend with environmentally friendly cards. This is definitely worth exploring to give your customers more reason to work with you. That said, one of the best online places to find the right options for you is Simply Noted. You might want to check their website and review all the alternatives they have for you.
Picking Colors
The colors you choose need to complement the design. This is of course possible when designing with Word. The colors will also need to match the occasion of the greeting card. Here are some color considerations worth considering depending on the season:
Christmas card colors: You can never go wrong with red and green colors as they’re synonymous with Christmas. You should also make room for icy blue too as it embodies warmth and family which Christmas is all about.
Birthday colors: There is a lot more flexibility when it comes to choosing colors for the design of a birthday greeting. Bright shades are usually recommended since it is a happy occasion with a lot of good things happening at the same time.
Wedding colors: There are different types of wedding cards. There are those that are sent as invites while others are sent as a congratulatory message. Regardless of the nature of the card, you can always play it safe with floral designs. Simple colors could also do the trick.
Getting the Right Font
The choice of font will define the unique character of the specific card. Just as with the colors, the occasion will also determine the fonts to go for. For weddings, you can choose from the many cursive fonts that are already available. For comedic greeting cards, you can capitalize on everything and use a simple font. Microsoft Word has hundreds of fonts to choose from and you can try the most popular ones to see how the greeting card looks like.
Writing the Perfect Message
The message is the most important part of any greeting card. Getting the rights can be tricky and it is crucial that you’re doing research. There are websites to find what to write about in a greeting card depending on the occasion. Some are funny while others are thought-provoking. There is no need to reinvent the wheel when you’ll be printing thousands of greetings and want to get them out as soon as possible. The words should be the least of your worries.