It’s an age-old question that’s plagued fresh college graduates for years – whether to travel before or after university. It’s completely dependent on the individual, and the choice varies from person to person based on their experiences so far. While some students may have never left the comfort of their own city, others might have spent their formative years traveling between international schools in Shanghai, Tokyo, Dubai, or any other region.
The array of pros and cons on both sides of the equation are endless enough as it is, let alone when you consider the current pandemic situation. Yes, this too shall pass, but if history serves as a warning, we won’t be back to (a new) normal for at least another 12 months, if not more.
So, what is one fresh and intrepid wanderlust-driven graduate to do in the meantime?
Ponder the options, of course!
First up is perhaps the most important questions to ask…
What do you want to gain from your gap year?
Although many erroneously think of a gap year as an excuse to lounge around doing not much at all, finally deplete Netflix and emptying the over-taxed brain, gap-years can be a meatier affair. Whether pre- or post-university studies, taking a year off can offer an invaluable chance to take stock, pinpoint true personal desires, and use the time to decompress in-between major life changes.
Yes, a gap year is a chance to relax and rejuvenate. But it is also perhaps the last chance to ponder personal and professional directions before hopping on to the hamster-wheel that adult life can sometimes be.
So, give your gap year the respect it deserves and dedicate more than a passing glance at deciding which option is best for you.
Travel before university – the pros and cons
Many consider university as simply a continuation of what they’ve been doing for 12-odd years. In reality, however, this is a totally different beast. No longer coddled and guided to the nth degree, university studies require infinitely more autonomy and maturity on your part.
This means that mindlessly flowing from graduate school to university can cause some students to suffer an ‘educational culture shock’ of sorts. Given all the extra independence, you may question everything about yourself: not only what you’re interested in but also who you are as a human being.
Yet having a Eureka moment once you’re already committed to a 3-, 4- or 5-year degree can cause a lot of unnecessary stress, especially if you were to decide that your chosen field of studies isn’t exactly what you’d like to do for the rest of your life.
The pros: Taking a gap year before university can give your skills and desires a much-needed jolt back to life before committing to a degree and career path. It also offers you the chance to see the world, experience other cultures, discover different ways of life, and allows you an invaluable opportunity for personal growth away from an academic environment.
The cons – There’s actually a good chance that, if bitten by the travel bug, your gap year may become two or three. It is not rare that university plans get totally derailed by a stint of pre-university travels. Although no one would begrudge you a “degree from the university of life”, it is also pivotal to remember that a degree is, nowadays, what a high-school diploma was 50 years ago. This is the key that opens professional doors, and it will continue to open those doors for the rest of your life. Delay your degree, and there are good chances you may never achieve it, so that’s something else to consider.
The 2021 curve-ball – In the Northern Hemisphere, the university year starts in September, so if you’re contemplating starting uni in 2021, you’ll have the COVID-19 pandemic consequences to consider. Travel is perhaps the most affected “industry”, so it would reason that for this year, in particular, delaying your gap year travels until AFTER you’ve completed your tertiary studies may make more sense.
Travel after university – the pros and cons
Want all the time in the world to travel the world with no pressure or worries? Taking a gap year after university gives you that!
The pros – Ah, to pack your bags and cast off to see the world on a one-way ticket. The bliss! Sure, it’s supposed to be “one” year, but it can be more since you already have that valuable degree under your belt. Plus, you’ll be older and more mature, and you’re likely to seek more meaningful and transformative experiences than you would have if you’d traveled before starting university. Many students decide to volunteer abroad and even seek employment in their chosen field in foreign countries. All of this can become an insanely beneficial bonus on your CV.
The cons – The major issue with post-university travels is that you may have student loans to pay off and will not feel so inclined to be still relying on your parents for financial support. Time to step up to the plate, right? Yet taking on the burden of the cost a year of travel can kill that “free-living wanderlust” feeling in two-seconds flat. You risk losing your professional momentum – especially if you have a defined path you’d like to take. Trying to get back into the grind of things but now searching for your first “real” job may be more challenging than you imagine if you’ve been out of the loop for a year.
The 2021 curve-ball – The current pandemic is likely to be well and truly over by the time you complete your university degree, so how’s that for a win-win? COVID-19 is perhaps the biggest argument for delaying your gap year for a few years IF you plan to use it primarily to travel.
The crux of the gap year conundrum – it’s a very personal choice!
Not only is the traditional gap year not the be-all and end-all, but it also does not suit everyone. Many students are more than happy to continue down their path without feeling a need to take a break, especially when you consider that it may be easier to ride the academic wave and simply “get it all done” in one go.
The gap-year conundrum is a very self-reflective choice. What is right for one may not be right for another, as personal circumstances are unique. So, take stock of your life, your situation, your desires, and your motivations and make the choice that’s right for you.