A bedroom is to a human, what a den is to a lion. When after a day filled with hustle one finally retires into his bedroom it is his charging station which makes him ready for his next day. It is usually a not much considered fact that how much your life can be affected by the minute details of your retiring space. Here are a few tips which may come handy if you are looking forward to giving your bedroom a makeover or simply looking for a re-touching of your beloved area.
#1 Pickingup a Theme:
Theme based decors are the foundation of every upcoming choice that has to be made. There exists a wide range of choices from your favourite anime series to your loved wild sports, whether you are a Green Panther, retro-lover, urban soul, spiritual, rider, biker or you simply love gazing at the stars, there is something for everybody in the store. The use of appropriate wallpaper and sticker builds the foundation of the theme. Basically, making a choice in the theme reduces your perplexity at every next level by narrowing down the plethora of options available.
#2 Choice of Furniture:
A sleep-inducing bedroom doesn’t always have to be heavily furnished. The choice of number, size, colour, and material creates balance and provides cosiness for your relaxation.These choices are to be made on the basis of the resident of the room and according to an individual’s preferences and requirement to give personalised look and optimum usage. For example, a king-sized bed in the kid’s room will take away that extra space which belongs to a play house. Furniture with flexibility is the need of the hour which occupies minimum space and can be of more than one use, in this category- foldable beds and tables are playing the lead role. Make sure that the mattress and bed you are buying for your bedroom increase the room’s appeal and help you sleep better. Take a look at this extensive list of all the different types of beds if you are still unsure about the type of bed you need to buy.
#3 Mix and Match:
The accessories and the colour of your bedroom have a significant role to play in the overall look. A photo frame hanging on the wall can significantly boost its charm by going in hand with the curtains and bed sheet. Use of a miniature or bonsai on your shelf along with your favourite collection of books can get you some additional points in good looks. There are also a variety of colour choices compilations possible, for instance, trying different shades of the same colour, contrasting a bright colour with a dark colour, going all dark with a tinge of a shiny colour and vice versa.
#4 Taking Care of the Free Space:
After placing the minimal essentials in your bedroom there might be some empty space calling for your attention. This space is to be dealt with expression of your creative side by placing an indoor plant, flower vase on side table, an ornamental stand light, etc. During the placement of main furniture and side furniture the amount of foot space available is also a significant factor that is to be kept into consideration. Usually the thought that the more the better leads to cramming up and hinders the spacious feeling, which leads to claustrophobic feeling. Isolating your bed from other furniture and objects in the room is therefore one of the most important bedroom overhauls that shall help combat stress and make you sleep better.
#5 Lighting it Up:
Even though the availability of natural light is the best option for the daytime lighting but still how the flow of light is managed, plays a substantial role in the creation of bedroom aura. The electrical lightings could be placed in ceiling important bedroom overhauls that shall help combat stress and make you sleep better.ng for even distribution of lumens. However, pendant lights, ornamental night lamps, table lamps, foot lamps, and shelf lights, also hold their own aesthetic value and have practical usage.
- Game of colours: colours have can diverse effects on the way your mind functions, hence it is quintessential to take a judicious decision in choosing your colour. If you are short tempered go for cool colours like light blue, or pale green. But if your temperament is such that you feel low on energy levels then you must go with bright yellow or red. Studies suggest that use of colours affect the quality of life to a great extent. The choice of colours is not just limited to wall and ceiling but the colour and visual appeal of contents of the bedroom play an equally vital role.
- Hiding and displaying: when your room is being set up, have a close scrutiny over the things that are going to be visible at the first view. Articles with aesthetic appeal need to be prioritized during their placement. At the same time, not everything needs to be visible in the bedroom setup, efficient use of cupboard and drawer should be done to improve the first impression. Cloths, meds, and daily-chore articles, needs to be taken care of in such a way that they remain hidden unless and until there is a deliberate attempt is make in finding them out.
Bottom line:
No matter how well equipped a bedroom is with interiors and home decors if it is haphazard and untidy it will be unable to render the positive energy you need for going through the day with all the zeal and vigour. Keeping a regular check at keeping the your bedroom well-arranged and dust free will not only increase the durability of the contents of your room but also have a positive effect on your life. We hope that you will easily be able to follow the above mentioned bedroom decor tips and help yourselves towards a consistently good sleep health.