There are a lot of hot button topics in America. One of the issues that has many people on both sides of the argument centers around guns. While some people think that access to guns should be allowed for those who can safely use them, others think that most citizens don’t have a need for their own firearms. And because people feel very passionately about this on both sides, discussing these issues with someone who has a different opinion can oftentimes get a little heated.
If you’re planning on having a conversation like this with someone, here are three tips for discussing guns with those of different opinions than you.
Talk About Conversation Goals First
Before you get too far into a conversation like this, or a conversation about any controversial topic, the American Psychological Association suggests that you take a brief pause to discuss what the goals of this conversation are. This can happen very naturally by asking what the other person hopes to get out of this conversation.
If the other person responds that they just want to learn more about what you think or understand an opposing point of view—and this is your goal as well—then you’re likely safe to continue the conversation without having it blow up. But if the answer revolves around wanting to prove how you’re wrong and they’re right, you might want to think twice about continuing on with this discussion at this time.
Seek To Understand Them As A Person
While having tough conversations like this can be challenging when speaking with someone you love and care for, they can be just as hard to have with someone that you don’t have any kind of rapport with yet.
In this type of situation, James Burnett, a contributor to, suggests that you try to first understand this person for who they are rather than just their stance on this single issue. By discovering some things that you might have in common with this person as far as the foundational values that you both share, it will be much easier to remain respectful even while disagreeing.
Don’t Assumer Stereotypes Are Accurate
When speaking with someone who is on opposing sides from you on an issue, it’s very easy to start thinking about that person and their argument in generalities and stereotypes. However, Elizabeth Bernstein, a contributor to the Wall Street Journal, recommends that you try to explore these stereotypes before assuming that they’re correct in the person you’re speaking with.
One way to do this is to ask if they feel a way that you assume all people with their opinion do. While they may adhere to this line of thinking, they may also be more nuanced or completely disagree, which can help open your mind up more while speaking with them.
While conversing with someone who thinks different from you can be challenging, it can also be very enlightening and productive. To help your conversations lean more toward this side, consider implementing some of the tips mentioned above.