Water is an essential resource for human life, and in recent years, Australia has been experiencing drought conditions, making it more important than ever to manage our water usage. In this article, we will discuss the price of water in Newcastle, how to effectively manage your water usage, and go over some tips that can help you reduce your water bill.
Water Cost Components
When it comes to your water bill, it’s important to understand what you’re paying for. The charges on your bill can be broken down into different categories, each of which corresponds to a different aspect of your water service.
One of the charges on your bill is the water usage charge. This charge is based on the amount of water that you and your household use during a four-month period. Your bill will show the total amount of water you used in kiloliters (kL), and you will be charged a rate for each kL used. The current rate for the Hunter region, which includes Newcastle, is $2.34 per kL.
Another charge on your bill is the water service charge. This charge is a flat rate, and it pays for the maintenance and repair of the water system. It is fixed at $75.01 per year, and it is the same for all customers regardless of their usage.
The sewer service charge is also a flat rate. It pays for the treatment and disposal of the sewage generated by your household. The annual rate is set at $635.85 per year for standalone homes and $508.67 per year for flats or apartments.
Lastly, the environmental improvement charge is a fee that goes towards the improvement of the sewer system infrastructure. This charge is $40.46 per year and it is the same for all Hunter Water customers, regardless of where they reside.
Average Water Costs
To give you an idea of what to expect on your water bill, it’s helpful to know the average water usage and costs in Newcastle. According to Hunter Water, the average household in Newcastle uses 172 kiloliters (kL) of water per year, or about 57 kL per billing cycle.
With that in mind, for a single-family home in Newcastle, the average annual water bill would be around $1155 and for an apartment or flat, the bill would total about $1029 per year.
However, these are averages and it’s best to check Hunter Water’s website for the most recent updates, and also to monitor your own usage to have a clear idea of your individual costs.
Tips for Reducing Your Bills
First things first, keep an eye on your water usage. By installing a water meter and monitoring it, you’ll be able to identify the areas where you’re using the most water and make adjustments accordingly.
Next, fix any leaks in your home as soon as you notice them. A dripping tap or toilet can waste a lot of water over time, and it’s easy to fix. You may also want to Invest in water-saving devices, such as low-flow showerheads and faucets. These devices can help you save water without changing your routine.
In the garden, be mindful of the time of day you water your lawn and plants. Watering during the heat of the day can result in evaporation and much of the water will be wasted. Try to water your lawn and garden in the early morning or late evening when the temperature is cooler.
Lastly, check out government rebates and financial assistance programs offered by Hunter Water; they can help you save a ton of money on your water bill.
Water is a vital resource, and in recent years, Australia has been experiencing drought conditions, making it more important than ever to manage our water usage. By understanding the cost of water, setting goals, making a plan, and educating yourself about water-efficient appliances and technologies, you can make informed decisions and take control of your water usage and costs.