The mutual fund statement is the most important one to be submitted for the further process. If your fund manager is not responding at the time of urgency and you are struggling very much and confused about how to get those statements. Then camsonline mf is the best choice for them. They can simply get eh any kind of mutual fund statement immediately if they enter their personal details like the pan cards or the email ID that is registered with the fund statement. This is also much comfortable for the people to visit the mutual fund status and the many other things in this portal.
What is unique in this web portal?
The Sebi has introduced this kind of portal in order to help the investors and the fund houses to get all the details regarding their mutual fund account and also other things. This will be the best one for getting the information digitally. If you are having the mutual fund scheme then these kinds of the scheme can be viewed and the status of the fund and the other details like the transaction, expiry date, interest rate, and the many others are recorded in this portal. The investors can able to know the rules and the regulations.
They can also able to learn some of the strategies to get a huge return in the short span of the time. Thus this kind of online portal will be much helpful to check any kind of things regarding the mutual fund and so it will be handier for the investors. This also provides safety for not getting theft or other problems.
The Asset management companies are also feeling much safe for using this kind of portal as this gives them the easy way to know the details of the particular investors and their transactions immediately. They no need to register separately and keep the records safe. The various fund houses have been combined with this mutual fund and so the people will feel much easy to make the investment without any problem. It is also good to calculate the amount that you will get as the return and the many other things. Thus this website is one of the best finds for the investors and also AMCs.
What are the features of this camsonline mf?
This camsonline mf is having a lot of offices across the country. This is the certified one and so it is more valuable. You can able to find this service safer and also it provides the quality check. This technology is completely advanced and also the most useful one for the people to keep track of the records. The risk management service that is offered by this mutual fund portal will be much helpful for the investors to keep their important information safe. eKYC process is the most followed one by the people as this will electronically help to know the details of the investors and also confirm they are legal.