By using a variety of techniques You can transmit money instantly from your credit card to a bank account. You can make a phone call, use a variety of net banking options, money transfer apps, or even an e-wallet that is connected to your bank account. A call, a number of online banking choices, a money transfer app, or even an e-wallet linked to your bank account are all options.
Now let’s see the various methods through which you can transmit the money from credit card to bank account.
1. Transfer Directly
Just by using a smartphone or any online banking app to transmit cash directly from a credit card to a bank account. However, you should remember that banks repeatedly have various day-to-day transfer limits.Therefore it is best to ascertain with your respective bank to acquire thorough data on the subject.
Also, delays may come into play at time of transferring money from a credit card to a bank account.If the credit card account and the bank account are with the similar bank, the transactions can be as fast as possible. But if both the accounts belong to the different banks then surely it can take possibly 2-3 days, a little longer.
Direct transfer to a bank account is subject to the amount, the country, the currency, the rules of the bank, the hour of the day, and the business hours.
2.By Making a Phone Call
Did you know that you may transfer money over the phone in a matter of seconds? Just follow these steps :
- Make a call to your credit card provider and give the agents the data they need.
- Inform them right away that you are required to send money.
- Confirm the amount you need to transfer.
3. By issuing a Cheque :
- Note “self” in the recipient’s name section.
- Comprise the remaining information which you require to write on a cheque.
- The last step is to deposit the cheque at the bank branch that is closest to you.
- Your bank’s deposit charges and cheque collection will specify the relevant fees.
4. By using ATM :
Through an ATM card you can send money from a credit card to a bank account. Use the cash advance feature to withdraw cash from an ATM. Transferring this amount to your bank account is the next step. The high costs involved with using a credit card to make a cash withdrawal are known as cash advance fees.The charges for cash advances vary from one bank to another.
Through NEFT and RTGS you can send funds to your bank account. To do this, you need to visit a bank and request a transaction form. Finish the form with the required information, then pass it to the reliable bank personnel.
6. Phone Apps
Money transfers are becoming immediate and easy thanks to some smartphone apps. These mobile apps are available for download and carry out the essential fund transfers. Using your smartphone, desktop, tablet, or laptop, you can transfer balances and register for the same apps online.
So these ways can help you to easily transfer money from credit card to bank account.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How can I send money without paying any fees from my credit card to my bank account?
By using particular mobile apps you can send money without paying any fees from your credit card to your bank account.
2. How can I transfer money from my credit card to my bank account immediately?
By using mobile or an online banking app you can send money from a credit card to a bank account immediately.