Walking, running, jogging, swimming, weight lifting, in every physical activity that makes your life active, a healthy back is there in your support. Even if you need to sit in peace, a pain-free back is essential for preserving and maintaining the quality of life.
Your spine is a well-oiled machine, constructed with each piece responsible for a specific function, and just like any other machinery, there are some parts that are more prone to faults or wear-out than others. Here are the most common back-related problems that people report that they suffer from, and how you can minimize their impact on you.
Common back problem #1: Slipped Disc
Your spine is divided into vertebrae with each one having a disk sitting between them to ensure they don’t get in touch or scrape against each other. However, old age can have its effect on these discs and they can start to dry out.
While old age is a major causing factor for slipped discs, improper or sudden lifts or movements can also cause them. Excessive or sudden stress can weaken, tear, or even completely dislocate the disk.
Avoid sudden jerks when lifting something heavy, stretch before giving your back any stress, and ensure an overall healthy lifestyle whereas you age, your body gets ample stretching, exercise and nutrition for avoiding the case of a slipped disc.
Common back problem #2: Pulled muscle or tendon
This is perhaps the most common back problem. Improper postures while sitting, sleeping in weird and gymnast-like poses, and lifting or moving with sudden jerks. All these activities can send your muscles down the spasm road and leave you with persistent back pain.
This pain happens due to excessive strain on muscles and can cause muscle sprains in your back. Thus, lifting appropriate weight and being mindful of your postures are the safest way to stay away from this problem.
Common back problem #3: Inflammation
Inflammation can be the cause of severe soreness or pain in your back and spine. Usually, inflammation is a natural response of your body’s immune system but can still cause your severe pain and discomfort.
Exercising and movement can reduce such pain and help your back not get completely paralyzed with the pain.
Common back problem #4: Cervical Spondylosis
Age is bound to take a toll on the body. As the body progresses through the years, it absorbs and suffers a lot of wear and tear, this affects the spinal disks in the neck. This is also called Neck Arthritis. With time, the spinal discs dehydrate and shrink leading to Cervical Spondylosis.
Treatments include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, anti-seizure medications, antidepressants. Regular physical exercise and ice packs also help.
Common back problem #5: Osteoporosis
This is a condition where you become susceptible to fracture due to your bones and vertebrae of your spine, becoming brittle and porous. Sudden jerks, weights, running, jumping, any such physical activities, depending on the severity of the condition, can lead to a fracture.
While there is no cure for Osteoporosis, it can be properly treated to at least provide the necessary protection and strengthening of the bones. People with Osteoporosis are mostly recommended to change their lifestyle to greatly reduce any weight or physical intense activity as well as increasing their calcium intake and vitamin D.
Never back down: bonus advice from experts
A herniated disc that can be caused by a sedentary lifestyle is another problem that can cause a lot of discomfort and pain. But some treatments are effective for treating it. These treatments can be found at nearby pain management centers. So if you’re in Spoken, you can search for pain management spokane to find one in your area and you can start your treatment as soon as possible.
Although the spine is a pillar of support for the human body, many youngsters and adults treat its health poorly. This leads to common back problems leading to severe life-impacting issues. If you’re already suffering from these problems or see the early signs of these problems, use the above information to your benefit and get your spine health back.