Second to water, tea is the most consumed beverage in the world. As such, you can find it served in different forms and flavors such as hot tea, iced tea, and mixed with lemonade or even added to cocktails for that tipsy feel. It is a versatile beverage that can be enjoyed by different people of all ages. For most people, it is a way of life.
Following the consumption rise of tea, people have also begun growing it in various forms, such as organically and synthetically. Go for the organic one as it not only offers a wide range of health benefits to you but also to the environment at large! This article discusses several the effect of drinking tea on environment.
1. Tea from environmentally-friendly Brands
With the many types of tea and methods of growing, you should give preference to those grown organically. It follows high-quality tending without pesticides and fertilizers hence no presence of chemicals. If any chemicals are used, the companies remove them during steeping, thus safe for your consumption. In the end, you benefit not only your body but also the environment. Drinking tea from these reputable brands ensures their continuity as you give them a market for their goods. You are doing good to mother nature by buying their products.
2. Eco-friendly packaging
Whether you buy the leaves to brew your beverage at home or are getting it from an online tea and coffee shop, the packaging is always packaged in biodegradable materials, thus environmentally friendly. As the consumer, you do not worry where the packaging ends up as you are sure that it is decomposable. It does not go to choke the soil.
3. Protects Farm Workers
Spraying chemicals on the plants expose the workers to some hazardous conditions. Even when the right gear could be provided for the tasks, there is still a risk for the farmers. You protect the farmworkers by agitating for organic tea and taking it. More people begin taking it, and this pushes the providers to focus on the organic direction. Supporting the farmers is a huge plus to the environment’s health. You will be making a positive impact on the earth by taking organic beverages.
4. Better Conditions for Tea Leaves
Are you an environmental enthusiast and love to be in harmony with Mother Nature? Drinking loose leaf tea gives you the satisfaction of knowing that you drink products free from unnatural chemicals. You do not worry about experiencing adverse side effects from drinking too much beverages grown by unconventional means. You can boast of taking part in conserving the environment by taking organic drinks.
5. No Negative Effect on the Environment
As said above, the growth and processing of organic beverages do not involve any pesticides. Pesticides play a role in negatively distorting the ecosystem from damaging the insects’ life, altering the mountains and hills’ system, and contaminating rivers and water sources. Even when the effects are not seen within a day, they may affect generations to come! Take organic beverages and save the environment.
Types of Organic Teas
You should understand the available types that you can try and determine where your preference lies. The difference lies in the harvesting and drying process; if it is darker, you should know that it has gone through a lot of processing. It is processed by drying the leaves and processing them into a rough powder form. When ready, one can brew It by infusing tea bags in hot water. Ever heard of herbal teas? It is infused with flowers, herbs, roots, or spices of other plants. This section discusses the major types of tea and the benefits they have to your body and environment.
1. White Teas
It is a rare kind made from young leaves of the plant. The young leaves should be picked before the buds are fully open for the ultimate taste. Considering that it is harvested before maturity, you realize that the produced quantity is limited, thus expensive to purchase. It involves minimal steaming and drying so that it does not lose the natural taste and scent. Understand that it is more beneficial and healthy in its most natural state.
It improves the immune system and allows the body to fight viral and bacterial infections as it has a high content of antioxidants. It is also known to reduce the risk of heart diseases as it eradicates chronic inflammation. The polyphenols present in the teas relax your blood vessels.
2. Oolong Teas
It is of Chinese descent and an in-between of black and green teas. The high oxidation levels stem from the production method, which involves a moderate fermentation of the leaves and drying. It is famous for weight control benefits and diabetes prevention as it controls the cholesterol levels in your body. Begin organic drinking and experience the benefits!
3. Green Teas
At the mention of ‘green tea,’ most people think about detoxification. It is famous for a great detox as it contains healthy bioactive components. After detoxification, there are chances that you lose some weight and get that lean body. Being one of the most beneficial teas globally, it also enhances the brain’s cognitive function and protects your body against different cancers. Additionally, if you are struggling with bad breath, you can take it as it contains catechins that prevent the mutation of bacteria in the mouth, causing the foul odor.
4. Black Teas
Most popular in the types, it undergoes extreme fermentation and processing before it is packaged and made available for consumption. It gets an excellent taste and scent from the hard processing. It inhibits cancerous growth, reduces dental cavities, and increases your immunity wholesomely.
Organic tea has a lot of benefits to the human body and the environment. By taking it, you can create a balance in the ecosystem and enhance the resourceful organisms (some of which could be near extinction). Proudly grab your cup and be part of the positive effect of drinking tea on the environment.