Studies have proved that many young adults tend to abuse drugs on campuses. This is because College is their first expression of freedom. They tend to believe they are free and can do anything they like as there is no longer strict parental guidance. Most young adults fall victims to peer pressure and cliche to belong. Hence, they become influenced negatively to try out new things.
They also abuse drugs just to cope with a course or fight anxiety that may arise due to new environments or their failure in college.
There are fits of many substances abuse by college students but there are six that stick out as the most widely used. Below are those and their effects.
College students think alcohol use is a normal thing They believe alcohol is safer and socially accepted than drugs. This is not always true as alcohol is an extremely dangerous drug when misused or taken in excess. Alcohol abuse oftentimes leads to physical and mental health problems. If you are becoming addicted to alcohol, visit the drug rehabs near you.
College students tend to abuse marijuana more because of the feeling it arose in them. Because marijuana help to maintain focus and help retain information. college students tend to use it most of the time to read or to attend classes. This usually ends up with adverse effects on them. Marijuana is not to be taken without prior prescription, and under close monitoring. The effects far outweigh its uses. It causes loss of coordination. Increases in heart rates. Memory and immune systems disorder. And it purely results in a lack of motivation in them.
OTC Drugs
Over the counter drugs like just any other drugs are very easy to come by as they are legal and seldom need a prescription before selling. This sort of drug includes Cough Medicine containing dextromethorphan. College students may down a whole bottle or pop in an entire sachet of pills just to feel the extra effects of such drugs. It causes dizziness and nausea in them and the adverse effects are inability to control their nerves, loss of motor control.
Prescription Drugs
College students tend to abuse prescription medications. These medications are easily gotten. They can obtain them through a valid prescription made for them or use a friend’s own. Pain killers are the most used kinds of these drugs. Students wanting to relieve the stress of academic activities take solace in pain killers and become hooked up on the same. They often lead to severe physical and mental damages.
This is also known as Ecstasy. This type of drug creates a euphoric atmosphere in the mind of the user and provides great energy. They tend to increase the dose every time they make use of the same just to experience the same kind of feeling during their previous session with the same. Ecstasy is a very dangerous drug as it is laced with many unknown additives. Its misuse often leads to panic attacks, dehydration, hallucinations, and heart failures which may result in an untimely death.
Though cocaine is expensive and hard to come by, college students tend to get their hands on it by all means possible. All in a bid to feel among or belong after hearing many stories of its highness and euphoria effects. One out of four cocaine users for the first time get stuck on the same. It damages the brain and causes erratic and antisocial behaviors.
In all the above-mentioned drugs, we can see that the effects far outweigh the little respite they tend to gain from it. Lack of control, violent behaviors, memory loss, deranged brain, anti-social traits, withdrawal from public places, sullen, and ultimately loss of life are the effects that can be encountered through abuse or misuse of drugs.