Glutathione is one of the constituents of the body cells; both red and white blood cells. It is made up of three powerful amino acids namely; glycine, glutamate, and cysteine. But while you may already know the benefits of it, hardly would anybody tell you the risks of carrying a certain level of glutathione in the body system. So to speak, on this page, I will show you some of the risks of glutathione. In the meantime, see below for sicknesses that may drastically decrease your level of glutathione.
- Hepatitis
- Parkinson disease
- Cancer
- Type 2 diabetes
If you’ve tested positive for any of those sicknesses and you live in Australia, then you may want to get in here to buy glutathione in Australia.
Also, you may want to add the glutathione-rich supplements listed below to your food-list;
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E
- Selenium
- Curcumin
- Silymarin
- N-acetylcysteine
In addition, these foods listed below have been confirmed by experts to be rich in glutathione;
- Broccoli
- Spinach
- Papaya
- Kiwi
- Garlic
- Avocado
- Asparagus
- And unprocessed meat
With all that said, below I will show you some of the risks of over-consuming glutathione.
Warning; Risks Of Consuming Too Much Glutathione
First thing first. People who are going into consuming a large number of glutathione supplements, or foods containing too much glutathione, should see their doctors first for approval. In some cases, it is not advisable medically to consume glutathione supplements depending on your body glutathione-content or your medical condition. Another thing you should know is that, like every other supplement, glutathione is not approved by the FDA. this means that there’s no backing for your consumption of it. I don’t mean in the sense that taking glutathione is illegal but the FDA only sees all supplements as food and not as drugs.
Now, to the side effects.
- Asthma attacks; multiple asthma attack cases have been recorded for in the case of asthma patients who are taking glutathione supplements without a go-ahead from medical personnel. In some ways, glutathiones are able to trigger severe asthma attacks which can be worse. While this doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to take the supplement immediately you are an asthma patient. A recommendation would be given to you on the amount to take and how frequently you should ingest glutathione.
- Allergy; if your first experience with glutathione isn’t very nice or you somehow find out that you’re sensitive to
the supplement or to fruits or foods that have been mentioned anywhere to be highly rich in glutathione, it is safe for you to avoid indulging in the habit consuming glutathione.
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding; it’s not just about the bond between the pregnant woman and the baby in her but whatever the woman eats is what the fetus makes use of for growth. And by consuming glutathione during pregnancy, you increase the level of glutathione in your baby and that can be damaging. The same applies to when you’re breastfeeding, don’t take glutathione when breastfeeding.