Dental emergencies can happen anytime. You or someone you know can accidentally chip, crack, or break a tooth. This can result in minor or major damages, depending on the condition of the teeth and the type of injury. When this happens, create a dentist appointment online booking or just call to have your mouth checked at once. The best resolution for the meantime is to focus on alleviating the pain and securing your tooth and mouth to avoid further injury.
Here are some emergency tooth repair remedies you can follow while waiting for your dentist.
When you break a tooth
Rinse your mouth with warm water immediately to clean it and entirely remove any bleeding. If the bleeding persists, add pressure to it and apply a cold compress on the area to lessen the swelling. If you were able to set aside the broken tooth, just make sure to wrap it in wet gauze to preserve it and bring it to your dentist.
When you lose a tooth
A tooth that has popped out of your mouth can be returned to the socket by using a gauze pad to grasp it by the crown. Then, try to attach it back into the socket. Rinse the tooth with water if it looks dirty. Make sure to not use any other solution when cleaning the tooth nor clean off the tissue particles. If this procedure fails, just put the tooth in a glass of water, milk, or saline solution. If possible, be on your dental clinic within 30 minutes or earlier so your dentist can perform prompt emergency tooth repair.
Pain relief for a chipped tooth
After you have contacted your dental clinic for a dentist appointment online booking, just continue rinsing your mouth with warm water and applying cold water to the outside area. Do this every few minutes to avoid swelling. Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers and anti-inflammatories can easily be purchased from local drugstores to somehow help in minimising your hurt and discomfort. You can also apply numbing agents, like clove oil, on the exterior part.
Making Sure Your Mouth Remains Safe
Dentists attend to a lot of patients every day. Even if you called in for an emergency tooth repair, chances are you still have to wait for your turn. Time is of the essence in treating chipped, cracked, or broken tooth.
As a temporary remedy, you can ask drugstores for OTC temporary kits that contain dental wax. Apply the dental wax over the edge of the affected tooth. This is to prevent it from slicing your tongue or damaging your mouth. Note that this is only applicable if the tooth has a small chip and a pointed edge. Moreover, avoid chewing on the side where the tooth is damaged. Floss around the tooth, if you can, to cut down irritation or pressure.
Emergency Dental Services in Brisbane
Fix Dental is the clinic to go to in case you accidentally break or crack your tooth. They cater to all kinds of dental emergencies at a fixed price. Upon making a dentist appointment online booking, their team will make sure to schedule you with their dentist as soon as possible so that you won’t suffer from pain anymore. Visit for more details!