The Western way of life is doomed, or so the experts say; fast food, long working hours and no exercise are a recipe for disaster and the longer it goes on, the closer you are to a complete burnout. Drug-based medicine does not address the root causes and processed food does not contain the vitamins, minerals and nutrients a healthy body needs.
The benefits of yoga
This ancient Eastern practice is gaining traction in the West; yoga integrates body, mind and spirit; enjoy a health yoga weekend in Thailand for a change. Regular sessions will lead to a calmer disposition, while stress will be a thing of the past; with a good instructor, you can learn at your own pace; there are numerous forms of yoga and once you know what to do, you can get a yoga mat and practice at home. Thirty minutes per day is ideal to develop lean muscles and coupled with meditation, you can better handle the daily pressures and stresses that come with 21st-century life. You can discuss things with your yoga teacher, who is always happy to enlighten guests and with their guidance, you will soon become an accomplished practitioner.
What is a holistic approach to health?
Rather than focusing on physical ailments, we should take a holistic approach to health; Eastern philosophy has long understood how important mental health is, while we are also spiritual beings and this means we need to be in touch with our inner self. Stress can kill and by making sure you are at peace with your inner self, your energy is balanced and good health should follow.
Invest in your overall health & well-being
Invest time and money in the most important thing, which is your overall good health & well-being; spending time with yourself and allowing your mind to settle is a great way to relieve stress. If you live and work in Bangkok, you can visit one of the top yoga retreats a couple of times a month and make some positive changes to your lifestyle. Click here for top eye-care tips.
The importance of a balanced diet
You are what you eat or so the saying goes; your diet should contain fresh organic fruit and vegetables, which you can order online from a small organic farm that delivers to your area. Drink a smoothie daily and keep the doctor at bay, while those over 50 should take a daily supplement.
Online solutions
The World Wide Web is amazing and if you want to book a weekend at one of Thailand’s top yoga and wellness retreats, it has never been easier. Regular guests receive special discounts and you will make a lot of new friends, as others follow their own path to spiritual, mental and physical good health. There are a lot of free resources online about yoga, meditation and holistic health; watch some YouTube videos to gain a better understanding of Eastern practices such as yoga.