As you see the current work culture, you will realize that it takes more than eight hours of long-term sitting in an office. It has a variety of bad health impacts, ranging from obesity and high blood pressure to aberrant cholesterol levels and even an increased risk of heart disease and cancer. It’s important to understand that a sedentary lifestyle is linked to an increased risk of disease. Regardless of physical activity, our 9-5 job lifestyle has significant health consequences.
However, going to the gym for an hour won’t make up for the damage done by sitting at a computer for eight hours.
Whatever time of day you choose, bear in mind that there will be benefits and drawbacks to working out at a specific time while working on the job. Building a timetable that fits your habits and what others expect of you will help you stick to your new commitment since it will deliver the most overall value with the least amount of daily opposition. As a result, you’ll need to find new ways to get more exercise throughout the day. Here in this article, you will go through some of the best ways in which you can do physical exercises during an eight-hour work schedule.
- Use Standing Desk for Work
If your workplace has standing workstations, take advantage of them. Many of these are convertible, allowing you to alternate between sitting and standing. People who use a standing desk are more likely to move more in different ways during the day, but don’t go overboard. “Anything in excess can be harmful. In my field, there is widespread agreement that people should attempt standing for two to four hours every day. Begin with small steps and pay attention to your body.
- Fix a Morning Routine
Starting your day with some activity is a great way to wake up the body and mind while also getting the juices flowing. Essentially, a morning workout improves your metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories during the remainder of the day. Consistency is fostered by exercising first thing in the morning.
When you have a lot on your plate, sticking to a workout routine might be difficult. If you do some exercise first thing in the morning, you will feel relaxed. It also frees up time for other responsibilities and reduces the likelihood of skipping your workout totally. Doing exercises, meditating or biking with a motorized bike every morning will keep you fresh the whole day.
- Get Fitness Equipment
It is one of the best things to involve yourself in some physical activity every morning. For this, it is recommended to buy any fitness equipment and use it on a daily basis. Also, consider splitting your workout, arranging brief 15 to 20-minute bursts of treadmill running, walking, or interval training both before and after work to make the most of your restricted time. You’ll have worked out for 30 to 40 minutes by the end of the day.
- Do Pilates Exercise
Pilates is an excellent bodyweight workout that you can practice in the privacy of your own home. Technology, thank you! There’s no need for expensive gym equipment or a studio; simply look up a Pilates routine on the internet and start moving for 20 to 30 minutes. It’s quite an excellent approach to enhance your posture and flexibility while also increasing your strength. You can include pilates in your everyday routine. You can also do some pushups or few stretching exercises to
- Take a Walk While on Phone
Whenever you receive a call on your phone, you should get up and take your phone outside. This will give you some time to take off some time from work and talk peacefully. Along with this, you can take a walk and roam around the park while on a break. No matter if it is any personal call at work or you are on a call with your loved ones, do not wait for a half-hour call when you may go for a refreshing walk. You can get an additional benefit if you go for a walk after you have eaten your lunch.
So, these are the best ways that are used by people all over the world who are working 9-5 jobs. All these tips given in this article are meant especially for the working personnel. Now, it’s your turn to follow these tips and get yourself living a healthy and fit lifestyle.