Feel like rubbing your eyes all the time? That may be one of the many dry eye symptoms. Your eyes are really sensitive. Anything that is affecting your body affects your eyes 10 times faster. Dry eyes are one of the most common eye problems nowadays. Irrespective of age, most people today suffer from this problem. Your eyes dry up when the tears in the eyes are not able to lubricate the surface in the way they are supposed to do. Maybe your eyes don’t produce enough tears or are producing poor quality tears, or the tears are evaporating fast, all these cases damage the surface of your eyes and leave your eyes dry. Dry eyes can feel really uncomfortable. You need to use hot eye masks for dry eyes in the initial stage.
Signs for dry eye
Now, the production of tears in your eyes is affected due to many reasons. Today, we are here to share some common signs that depict you have dry eyes. This will help you figure out your condition on time so that you can take proper treatment before the situation gets worse.
Let’s begin.
The appearance of the eyelids
First of all, observe the appearance of your eye. Dry eyes have an impact on the appearance of the eyelids. If you observe that the eyelids are changing their texture or appear different in color, this is a clear sign of dry eye syndrome. Further, if your eyelids dry to the stage of peeling off, that’s a clear sign of dry eyes syndrome and you need to seek out treatment.
Swelling in the eyes
Swelling, in general, is bad, and it can occur anywhere in your body. It’s also not a good idea for your eyes to swell up on their own. Make an appointment with your eye doctor to get evaluated for dry eye syndrome if you find your eyes become puffy. This is especially significant if the discomfort is persistent or accompanied by additional symptoms such as itching or burning in the eyes. A doctor may suggest using an eye mask to aid with dry eyes, as well as other treatment options that are ideal for you.
Eye irritation and burning
Then come s the irritation and burning sensation in the eyes. It’s the most common initial symptom of dry eyes. The urge to rub your eyes or feel like particles stuck in your eyes, all happen because of the dry surface in your eyes that restricts the smooth movement of eyeballs and blinking. This causes irritation in and around the eyes. If the problem still continues, it leads to burning. Burning and irritation in the eyes can further lead to redness in the eyes.
Watery discharge from eyes
Eye discharge may intensify as eye dryness worsens. It can even become extreme in some circumstances, causing serious eye irritation. This is the time to take preventative measures and begin utilizing eye drops or ointments. However, eye dryness is most likely to blame, so schedule an appointment with your eye specialist right away. As previously said, they may recommend an eye mask to help with dry eyes.
Effective treatments for dry eye syndrome
Increase omega acid intake: Omega acids are known to reduce inflammation in the body and eyes.
Warm eye masks: Warm eye masks for dry eyes work magic in soothing your eyes. Use it if the problem has started.
Blink often: Blinking helps in spreading the tears all over the eyes.
These are some common signs that show you are suffering from dry eyes.