Having glistening white teeth as you age could be tricky as your enamel thins, exposing the yellowish dentin. Apart from age, several other issues like medications, trauma, and tobacco use are likely to discolor your teeth. The good news is you do not have to feel ashamed about your discolored teeth when you can contact your dentist for a whitening procedure. Your South Bay teeth whitening expert, Dr. Sana Samet, can help transform your smile.
Causes of tooth discoloration
· Tobacco use. Tar and nicotine found in tobacco are very notorious chemicals likely to stain your teeth. While tar is naturally dark, colorless nicotine turns yellowish when it mixes with oxygen.
· Age. Beneath your enamel (your teeth’ white outer shell), your tooth has a soft area (dentin). As you age, your outer layer thins with brushing. As a result, your yellowish dentin starts to show.
· Trauma. Your tooth will gradually start to change color when you have a tooth injury.
· Food and drink. Red wine, tea, and coffee have chromogens (intense color pigments) that are likely to attach to your enamel, staining the white surface.
· Medications. You could have tooth discoloration as a side effect of certain medications like high blood pressure drugs and treatments like chemotherapy.
Will the teeth whitening procedure work on all your teeth?
Teeth whitening is a standard process your dentist will suggest when clearing your teeth of stains. The whitening products contain either carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide that break down the pigments into tiny particles making the discoloration less concentrated and your stained teeth brighter. However, the bleaches in the whitening products do not apply to all stains. For instance, yellow stains are most likely to respond well to the treatment more than brown stains.
You are not a legible candidate if your discoloration results from an injury, trauma, or medications. Additionally, the treatment will not work on restorative dentistry forms like veneers, fillings, and crowns.
What whitening options will your dentist recommend?
There are several whitening options your dentist will suggest for restoring your smile. They include:
· In-office bleaching. Also referred to as chairside bleaching, the procedure works by your dentist applying a protective gel or a rubber shield on your gums before applying the bleach on your teeth.
· At-home bleaching agents. The treatment is an option if you would love to do the whitening at a slower pace at home. Your dentist will give you a custom-made tray with whitening products and instructions on how to perform the procedure.
· Over-the-counter whitening products. Products you are likely to find in drug stores include stripes and toothpaste. Though they have a minimal concentration compared to the products your dentist will recommend, the substances will whiten your teeth by bleaching them.
· Stain removal toothpaste. Most fluoride kinds of toothpaste will help remove your surface stain with their additional polishing substances that are enamel-friendly and effective in stain removal.
Brushing your teeth every day is practical. However, keeping them bright and white can be a struggle. Why walk around with discolored teeth when you can contact your dental expert to brighten your smile today?