Protein is an essential nutrient that takes care of the growth and development of the body. It also provides energy and aids in muscle mass development. All humans need protein to stay healthy but, people who do intense workouts or sportspersons need a lot more protein than others. You can either eat natural food or a protein supplement to meet your protein requirements.
Protein powders are popular supplements among body-builders and those with other specific requirements. The most commonly consumed protein powder is whey protein, and it is available as whey protein concentrate and isolates. However, there are few things to look out for before choosing the best protein powder for you.
How to choose protein powder for you?
Depending upon your requirement, a different type of protein powder is needed. Taking the wrong kind of protein powder might hinder your efforts to reach your goal, such as muscle-building, weight loss, etc.
1. Muscle building
Fast-absorbing protein powders are suitable for those looking for muscle building. The best options are whey isolate and concentrate. Whey concentrate has 80% protein, and there is 90% protein in Whey isolate. You can go for any of these two.
2. Weight loss
For losing weight, stay away from sugar content. You can go for a powder that does not contain branched-chain amino acids, as these cause muscle gain and increase body weight.
3. Diabetes
If you have diabetes, choose a sugar-free protein powder. You can take a look at the ingredients list to see if the product has sugar in it. Also, choose a powder that has less carbohydrate content.
4. Vegan
Since you are a vegan, you cannot choose whey or any other milk-based protein. Fortunately, there are plenty of popular plant-based proteins like pew protein powder, soy protein, etc.
5. Lactose intolerant
Same as vegans, people having lactose intolerance can go for plant-based proteins. Alternately, whey isolate has negligible levels of lactose.
Other factors while deciding protein powder
1. Budget – If you are looking to save some bucks, buy the powder in large quantities. These are cheaper than those in small packets and protein shakes.
2. Brand – Try to buy from a trusted brand after reading reviews about it online, or ask your gym buddies and friends.
3. Flavor – Protein powders are available in vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry flavors. Nowadays, many companies are offering unique flavors. You can also add fruits or other taste enhancers to enrich the flavor.
When to take the protein powder?
The best time to consume it is within an hour of work out. It will help in the faster recovery of muscles. Those trying to keep their weight under tabs should consume a constant amount of protein in each meal. It will keep you from getting hungry as well.
How to buy the best protein powder?
Ideally, it would be best if you are looking for a brand that sells personalized protein powders.
These are specially formulated for specific body goals. Person A might want a lean body, and Person B might want to bulk up. Hence, it would help if you only opted for a personalized protein powder.
Moreover, it should be recommended by dieticians. Don’t buy a product blindly, as that could affect your health negatively. There are good brands like Gainful, among others, that let you take a quick test on what kind of protein powder is suitable for you.
Summing up
Protein powders are great supplements if you take them in the right manner. However, if you are suffering from any health conditions like kidney dysfunction, you need to tone down your protein intake. It would be useful if you speak to a health practitioner or a dietician before taking protein powders because not every protein powder is suitable for you.
Take the protein powder quiz and find out what type you need.