Most of us would love to get symmetrical facial features, and there is no shame in opting for rhinoplasty to attain facial symmetry. Overall facial symmetry might make you feel more attractive and confident.
You can use recommendations from experts in rhinoplasty in San Francisco when undertaking the procedure.
Reasons Why You Should Get Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty could help you repair your nose after an injury, congenital disabilities, and it can also correct breathing problems. You could also get rhinoplasty when you want to change the appearance of your face if you do not like its appearance. Some possible rhinoplasty changes that your doctor could suggest include a change in the nose’s size, angle of the nose, and narrowing of the nostrils. Your surgeon could also reshape the nose’s tip and straighten the bridge of the nose during rhinoplasty operation.
Deciding To Get Rhinoplasty
It may be challenging to decide on getting a nose job since it is a permanent change to your facial features which cannot be hidden. It is prudent to weigh the pros and cons of the change in the nose’s appearance and the impact it could have on your beauty and confidence. It is important to know that there is nothing like a perfect nose, and rhinoplasty can only help you emphasize your facial features and improve your natural beauty.
When you book an appointment with your rhinoplasty surgeon, it is best to discuss your goals and be open when talking about what bothers you about your nose. You could give in-depth information about how you would like to change your nose, and your surgeon has the obligation of telling you the options that are at your disposal.
The surgeon would then evaluate your nose’s structures and other facial features and inform you whether your expectations are realistic or not. They could then go ahead and evaluate other health conditions before undertaking rhinoplasty. Then is a good time to let them discuss the risks, costs, and recovery time involved with rhinoplasty.
What to Expect After Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty is simple and can be done at your doctor’s office or in an outpatient surgical facility under local anesthesia. The rhinoplasty procedure normally takes about two hours; if the surgery is complex, it could take longer. After surgery, your rhinoplasty surgeon fixes a plastic splint on the nose, helping the nose regain the new shape while it heals. If everything goes well after rhinoplasty, you might be discharged on the same day. You might be required to rest with your head above the chest to reduce bleeding and swelling at home. You might need a dip pad to absorb the drainage and bleeding from the healing wounds for a few days. You could get headaches and puffiness, which dissipates as you heal. The new nose will heal in about a week, and then you are able to return to your everyday activities while avoiding strenuous physical activities.
The Bottom Line
Rhinoplasty might help you improve your self-esteem, especially if you do not like how your nose appears. The procedure could help make your facial features symmetrical; moreover, it could also help treat some medical conditions. You could seek the services of a certified rhinoplasty surgeon who might advise you on the options at your disposal and provide the procedure.