If you do not have insurance and you are driving a truck for your job or for pleasure, then you might be confused as to how you can get away with causing an accident. If you were the person who is responsible for hitting another car, hitting another truck, or grazing another person in the crosswalk, then you might be scared about what is going to happen. Is your car going to be repossessed? Are you going to lose your license? Are you going to be charged with criminal offenses?
If you find that you have broken the law – and you don’t have insurance – this calls for a professionals’ help. Avoid any issues in the legal system and avoid being charged with a massive fee and legal battle by using a truck accident lawyer in Atlanta to help you fight your case. Let’s see a few reasons why you should hire a professional attorney and how they can help you avoid serious jail time and hefty fees!
The main events of hiring a truck accident lawyer in Atlanta – avoid jail time, fees, and being sued!
A truck accident lawyer in Atlanta is the person who is in charge of figuring out who is responsible for the accident, who caused the problem, the guilty party, the number of eyewitnesses, gathering eyewitness testimonies, making deals with both insurance companies, and bringing a case to trial. If you find that you are the person liable for an accident and you do not have insurance, this is the perfect reason to hire a truck accident lawyer in Atlanta to fight your case!
They can do everything in your case
The main reason why you should hire a truck accident lawyer in Atlanta is that they can handle everything that is involved with your case – do you need to gather evidence, formulate an argument, and talk to eyewitnesses? If so, the truck accident attorney can do this for you! You do not have to worry about anything regarding the legal issues of the case after an accident – instead, the only thing that you have to focus on is getting physically and mentally better from the accident.
Determine liability
The second reason that you should hire a truck accident lawyer in Atlanta is so you can avoid any liability if possible. If you do have insurance, but you do not think you were liable for causing the crash, the truck accident lawyer in Atlanta can help figure out who was at fault, whether it was the other driver, the trucking company, the truck manufacturer, the insurance company, or another person involved in the accident.
Build your case
The third reason to hire a truck accident lawyer in Atlanta is so they can build a persuasive case to help you get off with lesser charges – for no charge at all! If you do not have insurance, you need a reputable attorney who can help you investigate the evidence of other police reports, gather information on the truck you’re driving, find information about the other party, and obtain medical bills that you had to pay after the crash.
Prove you were not at fault
The last benefit of a truck accident lawyer is they can try to prove that you are not at fault. The way that they can do this is by showing you were driving carefully, the other driver did not behave rationally, you caused grievous bodily harm, and you suffered damages due to the accident.
If you have been in a crash, you need to hire a truck accident lawyer in Atlanta to help you fight your case, avoid paying hefty fees, and avoid any jail time!