Averagely, injury cases take between a few months to a year. However, that is not a rule etched in stone. At times, it could take a personal injury lawyer in Albuquerque, NM more than such a timeframe to get you what you want.
When that happens, it is not a matter of expertise or lack of effort. In contrast, the reason for the delay is down to several factors.
Here are some of such factors:
3 Factors That Determine How Soon Personal Injury Lawyer Albuquerque NM Resolves Your Case
The Severity Of Your Injury
Compensations for small injuries don’t take much time. Within six months (averagely), you’d get your settlement.
However, when you suffer life-threatening injuries, the case is different. There is no timeframe. Why?
Life-threatening injuries often require several medical procedures. At the extreme, you could even go through rehabilitation and recovery group sessions.
For that reason, it takes longer to evaluate the extent of your medical expenses and upkeep. This point is where MMI comes in. MMI?
MMI (Maximum Medical Improvement) is the point where you have attained the optimum health condition after receiving treatment. In other words, you’re healthy now.
So, how does that concern your injury lawyer?
If your PI lawyer had settled your case before your MMI, you might suffer a loss. So, to ensure you get the settlement that covers all your expenses, he waits until you reach MMI.
Unfortunately, no one can predict how soon you’d attain MMI.
Insurance Companies Delaying Tactics
Expensive claims are often over just before trial. Why?
Even with your injuries, insurance companies are not ready to cave. They would distract and delay you while hoping you’d settle for their low offer.
How do they go about such delays?
Instead of scheduling a meeting as soon as possible, the offender’s insurance company would do everything to frustrate you. They could even employ private investigators to check your claims.
You don’t want such investigators to find dirt on you. That brings us to the last factor.
The Authenticity Of The Facts Surrounding Your Injury
Insurance companies are no charity organizations. They won’t give in to your demands without first scrutinizing your claims to the last detail.
So, are your claims authentic? Are you as injured as you had stated?
Any slight discrepancy in your claim and your settlement will be over in a minute. Worse: you’d get only a fraction of what you deserve.
So, what can you do?
Be honest from the get-go! Who’s at fault for your injuries? Is your accident a product of mutual recklessness?
If you are partly at fault for the accident, there is still a way out. It is called comparative negligence.
In that case, your PI lawyer would evaluate the shreds of evidence of the accident. When he does, he will sue the offender for only their faults in the case.
Such transparency will get you your settlement faster. Nonetheless, be ready for litigation. In essence, hire a lawyer with a trial experience like Will Ferguson & Associates.
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