When you get into a motorcycle accident, there are a lot of things going through your head. Am I liable for the accident? How much will it cost to repair your motorcycle? How much will it cost to cover any injuries that occur from the accident? There are a lot of concerns, and the answers are not necessarily easy to grasp. In order to help you get an idea of what unexpected costs may be incurred as a result of a motorcycle accident, we are going to run these things down for you.
What unexpected costs may be incurred as a result of a motorcycle accident?
First off, let’s just cover the variety of injuries that a person can incur when they are riding on a motorcycle and get into an accident. The obvious example of an injury would be breaking bones, of which, you got a lot of them to break. The very nature of riding a motorcycle carries a risk of injury, as you do not have anything protecting you when the impact does occur. Meanwhile, other people on the road have much larger, much heavier, and much more dangerous vehicles than you do, and even the slightest love tap from one of these vehicles can cause your motorcycle to go out of control and see you hit the pavement. For some, the injuries may be less severe than they could have been, as though they had a guardian watching over them, while others may find themselves in a world of pain. Of course, there are ways that a person can mitigate any injuries they may occur, to an extent anyway. For example, all motorcyclists should wear a helmet. When you are exposed to the open air and don’t have anything to keep you safely strapped in or keep something in between you and another vehicle, it’s going to be your best bet to keep your head in good shape. On top of that, you are strongly recommended to have something to cover your eyes, either as part of your helmet or in the form of goggles. Personally, we think a full-faced helmet is a cool look, but you do what you wanna do with yours. This is also handy to help your vision while driving, as you have open exposure to the elements while you are riding. Of course, make sure to take the basics along as well. A jacker, gloves, durable pants, boots, etc. Thicker, heavier varieties of these apparel You can also wear elbow, knee, and shin guards if you want to be extra cautious.
Even if you take precautions, there always exists the risk of injury, and serious injury as that. But for a person who does not wear this kind of thing, either due to it not “fitting into their sense of style” or just ignorance of the dangers they may face while riding on a motorcycle, the injuries may be even worse as a result of the lack of protection. This can include brain injury, spinal cord damage, etc., a number of things which can cause your life to be irreparably damaged. On top of that, you may run the risk of significant medical costs if you even survive the injury or injuries. This is, of course, assuming that you are culpable for your injuries and not have it be the responsibility of another person on the road. You may even be liable yourself for the injuries sustained by someone else on the road. There is also the issue that you will likely have to repair your motorcycle, which can be costly depending on the damages. You may also be out of work as a result of the injuries, making it that much more difficult for you to earn money to pay off your medical and motorcycle repair costs. Thankfully, in the event that someone else is indeed responsible for your injury, loss of income, and repair costs, you can pursue restitution from them for those costs.
Another concern, however, is when you get bullied by insurance companies. Insurance companies are not going to necessarily push you around, but at the same time, a fair few insurers will be entirely too cagey and manipulative in order to pay out less in the insurance payout. There are various tactics an insurance agent may use to get you to agree to accept less money as part of that payout. One tactic they employ is to try to claim that you are more liable than you are, or that the insurer is not at all liable. When you push this, they may just as well argue that your efforts to get more money from the insurance payout would be in vain, arguing that you would not get much more, if any more money than they were already offering, and you would just waste time pushing for it. Make sure you don’t trust that; after all, if someone stands to benefit from you not pushing and tells you not to push, they have a conflict of interests.