Have you ever had a sip and started wondering- boy that tastes good!
Do you know how you could make the differentiation? You might have tasted a beer earlier that wasn’t so tasty. When you tasted the new one, your taste buds immediately sent you the notice.
Many factors make beer great. According to one of America’s favorite breweries, Melvin Brewing, the recipe, and the brewing technique are what make all the difference.
Drinking a beer delivers a high sensory experience. This is why you can identify subtle differences when they happen. In this resource article, we look at five important elements that make a great beer.
List of 5 Elements that make a Great Beer
1. Aroma and Colour of the Beer-
Tastes have smells too! Yes, this is accurate when it comes to tasting beer. Just looking at the aroma coming through the beer as well as checking out its color can help you separate an average glass of beer from a great beer. Flavored beers that are citrusy or sweet release a certain aroma that complements their flavors. The same goes for colors. The brighter the beer, the better is the brewing process. Beer connoisseurs look at specifically these two factors.
2. The Recipe List and Ingredients of the Beer-
A lot can be said about a beer from looking at its list of ingredients. The better the quality of the materials, the higher will be the taste quotient. Every ingredient from the hops to the barley, to the type of yeast strain, can have an impact on the taste. In addition to these foundation ingredients, the added flavor imparted to the beer in the form of citrusy notes or sugar can also play an important role in elevating the taste experience.
3. The Brewing Process and the Final Product-
Ask any great brewer what makes a normal beer a great one and they are likely to say it’s the brewing process. A well-thought-out brewing process that employs the best machinery and infrastructure allows for the creation of a great tasting beer. Brewing is a lot of art and creativity combined with science and technology. From maintaining the ingredients at the right temperature to ensuring that the distillation takes place in an optimum way, everything matters.
4. The Feeling you get in Every Sip-
Yes, there is a feeling when you experience when you take your first sip or gulp it down in one go. This feeling happens because of the viscosity of the beer. A great beer flows down naturally and does not offer any resistance to your taste buds. This ‘melt-in-the-mouth attribute is what makes a great beer. This is not an emotion, but actual science, that shows viscosity levels affect the way a beer tastes and feels. Try this the next time you experience a glass of beer.
5. No After-Taste in your Mouth-
Many people write to us stating how some beers taste sweet, others citrusy and still others bitter. This is the initial taste that you experience precisely at the point when the beer comes into contact with the taste buds in your tongue. To be honest, the best beers do not leave an aftertaste after they have been consumed. They act as palette cleansers and this is a major reason why beer-food pairings are very popular. Good beer never has an after-taste.
The Final Word
Just like the above-mentioned five elements, a lot also depends on the company and the management. Everyone brings in their own distinctive personality to their products. In many cases, the kind of beer a brewer brew is a reflection of what they themselves prefer.
Can you help to let us know about some more elements that can help us identify a great glass of beer? Let us know your answers in the comments section below.