Nature is beautiful but it is also incredibly fragile. Every single day, it loses its natural wonders due to human activity bit by bit. If we want our children to experience its splendor in the future, we need to act. It’s fortunate, then, that there are some nifty and unique methods that are available for you to use.
These methods involve putting the beauty of nature front and center in the minds of the public. From there, you can employ a wide variety of methods to highlight what we could lose if we don’t act. Spreading awareness and involving the next generation are effective tactics, as well. You can even make money in the process of trying to protect the beauty of nature
Beautify Like Crazy
One of the biggest advantages of natural beauty is how it can inspire peace and tranquility in people. More often than not, though, this beauty can be hidden and is out of many people’s sights. This is truer for urban areas where concrete jungles and tall scrapers of cement and metal rule.
To counter this effect, you can aim to beautify your environment at every opportunity. You do this by injecting greenery and flowers at amounts that you can achieve. This can be in the form of planters, pots, rooftop gardens or greenhouses, and many more. Even just having succulents in the home can make a huge difference.
Retreat to the Waters
It’s not just on land that you can launch your beautification project either since there are plenty of aquatic plants. Water lilies, giant lily pads, and even moss can be a source of attraction. On that note, even land-based variants of flowers and shrubs don’t need to be limited in such a manner. You can place them on ponds, lakes, and pools using floating platforms.
For small scale projects, empty water bottles that are tied together and placed under a wooden platform can work. If you want to go bigger, you can use plastic drums or the modular Hisea floating docks. You would be doing the same thing but on a much grander scale. In fact, this could be a major project for your neighborhood or your city. Seeing floating gardens in the local park’s pond would be quite the sight, after all.
Spread the Love
You can go with one or both of the ideas listed above if you want. The next step following that is spreading awareness and you can do this in a number of ways. Of course, there is the social media option, where you go on sites like Facebook or Instagram. You can get results, but they won’t likely be as good as when you have a more powerful support.
You can get this from your local government, your community, environmental groups, or environmentally conscious influencers. The more people can see how your beautification and floating garden ideas work, the better. You might even inspire a few people to do the same thing and if they succeed, you’ve already won.
Humanize Nature
People are naturally primed to care about things that will affect them personally, and nature’s destruction will do that. You can capitalize on this by highlighting the devastation of nature along with the fruits of your revitalization efforts. It’s important that you get this right since a lot would be riding on this. You can start by striking a balance between the good and the bad.
It’s crucial that you give people clarity as well as hope in equal measure. That’s why it would be a good idea to do marketing campaigns that involve before and after photos. The before is the former barren wasteland that is the place you aim to save. The after is how it looks after your painstaking efforts to beautify the area.
Get Kids Involved
The children of today will be the adults of tomorrow and they’ll be the ones to inherit nature’s destruction. As such, it would be for the best to prepare them early to face the hardships coming their way. You can start by getting them involved in whatever beautification and preservation project you’ve got going.
Their role can be anything from planters, logistics personnel, or planners. No, you are not having them work and are instead getting them involved by helping out. The goal is to introduce them to the idea that there is still something they can do to protect nature. It would be an excellent foundation to make them strong enough for the fight to come.
For-Profit Preservation
Private nature preserves, gardens, and forests that allow access in exchange for payment are nothing new. They are all over the world and are operated by private individuals, corporations, non-profits, and government agencies. They can also be another major contributing factor to your success at saving nature’s beauty. By having your beautified spot generate profit through visitors and tourists.
Now, it was already mentioned that you can use social media platforms to spread the word about your projects. Well, you can use that same avenue to let the world know about your private spectacle. Once you have gained traction, there will be those who will want to see it in person. All you have to do then is to charge them money for the privilege.
Natural beauty can be saved, preserved, or revived as necessary. You just need to have the right ideas and the will to actually get it done. Having useful tools to depend on would be helpful, as well.
With enough creativity and marketing savvy, you can even get the rest of the world onboard. This is how you can protect the future of the planet, as well as those who will inherit it.