Butterflies are a delight to see in the garden. They come in so many colors and patterns, it’s hard to pick a favorite! Butterflies need food plants, like nectar-rich flowers, as well as places to lay their eggs. If you wish to attract butterflies and songbirds to your garden, all you need to do is get House plants delivery in Toronto by https://flowercompany.ca/collections/plants.
In this post, we’ll discuss ten plants that attract butterflies and songbirds. This includes both common plants as well as some less known ones. These plants are perfect for any size of space or budget, so don’t worry if you’re on a tight budget or have limited gardening space!
1) Butterfly Bush
A butterfly bush is a shrub with flowers that butterflies and other pollinators love. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, leaf textures, and bloom times as well! A butterfly bush is perfect for the front yard or garden bed and can even be planted in a pot.
These plants attract many different types of birds too! I’ve seen cardinals feeding on them while playing around the plant.
2) Marigold
Marigold is one of the most common flower plants in gardens. They’re easy to grow and come in various colors so that you can match your flowerbed or yard with the right color! Marigolds are also known for attracting butterflies, hummingbirds, bees, and other beneficial insects like wasps, ladybugs, etc.
Marigold is one of my favorite plants because its flowers are so big and colorful.
3) Salvia
The nectar produced by the Salvia plant is sure to attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Salvia plants are also popular because they can be planted in pots, containers, or ground gardens.
Salvia flowers come in a variety of colors like blue, purple, Lavender, and white – so the color of your flowerbed will depend on which one you choose!
4) Lavender
With green leaves and Purple color flowers, the Lavender plant is another favorite for butterflies. Having Lavender in your garden or flower-bed will add color and fragrance to your space.
Butterflies are drawn to the dark blue flowers of Lavender plants which also attract bees, wasps, ladybugs, etc. Lavender is a popular plant because it grows well in a pot or container and can be planted indoors during the winter for colorful cheer.
5) Pansy
These butterfly-attracting plants are planted in early spring and fall as they bloom in cool weather. These plants can give flowers almost all year long if they get the proper care. Butterflies and birds love Pansy plants because they offer nectar and pollen. The Pansy plants also provide a great ground cover plant which is helpful for weeds in garden areas.
6) Day Lily
Daylilies attract butterflies with their nectar. They are in colors like orange, red, and yellow and have tubular-shaped flowers. They spread quickly and need to be divided after a few years to keep them flowering.
7) Sunflower
If we are talking about plants that butterflies and songbirds like, how can we forget sunflowers. Butterflies like to eat sunflowers because they have big flowers and are bright in colors. They also produce a lot of nectar which is good for the butterflies. Plus, the leaves on the plant are good food for caterpillars.
Sunflowers can also be planted in a pot and often make a best gift to a loved one.
8) Button Bush
Buttonbush has white-colored flowers that are very fragrant. The plants also have dark green leaves and grow in a clump with thorns on the branches.
It is important to note that this is bush type which means it attracts hummingbirds because they love the flowers, but it doesn’t produce as much nectar for butterflies or bees as other plant varieties do. If you have a buttonbush in your garden, it is most likely that you’ll get to see a butterfly sitting on its flower.
9) Shasta Daisy
Shasta daisies are flowers that grow in the summer. They have green leaves that last all year long. The Shasta daisy is a great flower for filling in bare spots because it needs very little care.
It’s been scientifically proven that a Shasta Daisy plant in your garden will attract butterflies. This is because these flowers contain the perfect ratio of nectar for hungry pollinators to consume, and they also have deep red centers with bright yellow petals.
10) Hollyhock
Holyhock is another plant that is liked by butterflies and song birds. Planting a hollyhock in your garden is a great idea because they are very easy to grow. They thrive when planted near bushes or other plants that provide shelter from the sun, and they also like being watered daily as long as there is enough space for drainage.
Hollyhocks attract butterflies by providing them with pollen. The flowers of this plant are bright pink in color and have four petals that are easily spread wide open.
11) Swamp Milkweed
Swamp milkweed is a common plant in North America and can be found all over the US, Canada, and Mexico. This type of flower only blooms for about three weeks during late summer so most gardeners try to find a way to grow Swamp Milkweed during those times. This plant attracts butterflies and bees because it produces a large amount of nectar.
12) Columbine
Columbines are also known as northwestern. They grow well in the Midwest, Northeast, and Northwest United States. These plants attract hummingbirds and butterflies with their flowers that usually have five petals each measuring about three inches long when they fully bloom.
Columbine blooms in a variety of colors during spring. They come out from dark green leaves that turn maroon-colored in the fall. The flowers are favorite for hummingbirds and may be used in cut-flower arrangements too.Visit Travs Trees for more assistance with stump removal.
If you want to make your garden pretty and inviting for humans as well as wildlife, then we recommend adding the plants mentioned above. Not only are they beautiful, but they also attract butterflies that will pollinate other plants in your garden. Plus, birds love them!
So if you’re looking for a way to beautify all of your green spaces with one solution, plant some of these perennials in your garden today.