Podcasts are quickly becoming the new YouTube. 57% of Americans have listened to podcasts this year. And everyone and their mother appear to be starting a podcast.
Perhaps you’re interested in starting a podcast. Maybe it’s a business podcast to market a good or service. Or maybe you have a topic you’re passionate about and you feel you have a lot to say about it.
Whatever your reason, you could make a great and marketable podcast. You just need to know how to get things off the ground.
Here are five useful tips on how to start a podcast.
Five Tips For Starting A Podcast
While there are several factors that go into starting a podcast, let’s focus on five very crucial podcast tips: choosing a niche, picking a name, getting audio equipment, designing a graphic, and learning how to promote your podcast.
1. Choose A Niche
Your niche is the overall theme of your podcast. While you can tackle other topics in some vain, the niche will be the umbrella that everything falls under.
When picking a niche, pick a topic you care about. Make sure it’s something people will care about and set yourself up with someone who is the right person to talk about it.
2. Pick A Name
Pick a unique name for your podcast. Be creative, but don’t be so creative that your name has nothing to do with your topic. And make it short, concise, and easy to find.
3. Invest In High-Quality Audio
High-quality audio includes good sound equipment. You don’t need to buy an entire soundboard, but a good microphone with a pop screen and a headset is a good idea.
You should also look into good editing software, or better yet, hire a podcasting company to help with that service. Along with editing, they can offer other services such as voice-over work or custom music. This could be a great investment to create a quality podcast.
4. Create A Graphic
A graphic is to your podcast what a poster is to a movie. People are drawn to aesthetics, and you should have an appealing and well-designed graphic. If you aren’t the creative type, be willing to hire a graphic designer or artist for this work.
5. Promote Your Podcast
Your podcast won’t succeed if you don’t promote it. Some marketing tips include social media posts, converting the audio file to a YouTube video, having contests, and pitching to podcasting apps. The more you take these steps, and the more consistent you are in your podcasting, the more you will see your popularity grow.
There are many more essentials to getting started in podcasting, but these tips are good to get things in motion quickly.
More Digital Marketing Tips
Now that you know some major essentials for starting a podcast, you can start planning things out and give it a try. Your business may grow, you may make money, and may have a lot of fun.
Do you want to know more about podcasting or maybe some information on YouTube or social media marketing? Have a look at our Business section and our Digital Marketing category.