You’ve always wanted to live in a city like Bangalore. After all, it has a youthful vibe, incredible opportunities and is a hub for young professionals like you. But when it comes to looking for flat and flatmates in Bangalore, you’re a little lost. You’ve never lived outside of home before and you have no idea what it takes to share your space with a stranger. Luckily, you don’t need to worry about it alone. We’ve rounded up some of the best insider tips and strategies to help you navigate living with flatmates in Bangalore. Let’s dive in:
Give it time
Yeah, we know you’re hoping that your relationship with your flatmate is going to become like Joey and Chandler’s overnight, but unless your life is an episode of a sitcom, that’s probably not going to happen. Instead, you’ll need time and effort to develop that kind of closeness. Spending time with your flatmate is the best way to actually bond and get to know each other. You don’t need to formally schedule activities or land up with a list of questions, just checking in with them in the morning over a shared breakfast is a great way to start your relationship. You can also split your household chores and responsibilities between each other and use those as a bonding opportunity. Clean your flat or shop for groceries together and you’re bound to discover common interests.
Respect boundaries
You and your flatmate may come from different backgrounds. So, it’s important to respect the differences between you. Set boundaries during the initial days after moving in and ensure that you try to respect them as much as possible. If you don’t like to have other people snooping through your personal belongings, it’s only natural to assume that they won’t like you to do the same as well. So, try to ensure that you’re being considerate towards each other. If something is breaking down or not going the way you like, communicate your discomfort with your flatmate and you’re sure to reach an amicable resolution. This is a lot better than staying silent and letting your resentment fester.
Split common expenses
One of the key reasons for living with flatmates is because it makes it easier on the pocket, but you and your flatmate need to discuss what your expenses are in the first place. Buying things that you both need in bulk will help you save money and reduce waste at the same time. This goes for all consumables, snacks or cleaning supplies that you’ll probably need for your flat. And when it comes to one-time purchases like furniture or rugs that you’ll both end up sharing, we recommend choosing something you both like and splitting the cost. It really doesn’t make sense for both of you to buy duplicates of these items, so make sure that you talk it out before you make the purchase.
Avoid gossiping about them
When you were looking for flatmates in Bangalore, you probably didn’t realise how much you would get to know about their lives. But living with someone makes you privy to a lot of intimate information. You’re going to be around for your flatmates’ good days and bad days (and vice versa). But just because you know certain things about them, doesn’t mean you should go around talking about those behind their backs. It’s best to avoid gossip as much as possible, especially if you’ve had a fight or argument with your flatmate. You don’t want a rumour to make its way back to your flatmate and ruin your relationship. And you don’t want to create an atmosphere of resentment and backbiting in your own home. Instead, if you have a disagreement, try to communicate openly and honestly with each other so as to resolve it.
Get to know each other’s friends
The best way to get along with your flatmate is to try to befriend them. And showing some effort and interest in their lives is a great way to do just that. Try to get to know their friends by inviting them over to your flat or making plans for all of you to hang out. This will be a chance for you to show an investment in your relationship and be a great way for you to expand your social circle in Bangalore as well. Invite your own friends too and try to get everyone to mix and mingle and you’ll find that your bond with your flatmate is a lot more strengthened than before.
So, there you have it. These are some of our top tips to help you navigate living with a flatmate in Bangalore. So, go ahead and have a whole lot of fun!