When you’re in college, it feels like anything is possible. You can be whoever you want to be, and you can go wherever you want to go. College is a time for exploration and for finding out who you are. It’s a time for making new friends and for learning new things. College is a magical time, and it’s a time that you’ll never forget. However, your safety is important.
Despite the security systems for schools and campus safety programs, college students living in residence halls are at an increased risk for crime and safety concerns. According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, in 2012, there were an estimated 2.1 million burglaries, 6.5 million property thefts, and nearly 700,000 violent crimes committed against college students living in on-campus housing. But don’t lose hope! There are a few simple things you can do to make sure your dorm is a safe place. Keep reading to learn the best ways to keep your dorm safe.
Keep a Close Eye on Your Belongings
We get it! You went through the process of searching for the best “private college counselor near me” to get into your dream school, and now all you want is to have fun. You deserve it, but it’s important to ensure your safety at the same time. One of the best ways to keep your dorm safe is to keep a close eye on your belongings, especially during busy times like move-in or finals week. Make sure to always lock your door, even if you’re just stepping out for a minute, and never leave your belongings unguarded. If you have to leave your room for an extended period of time, consider locking them away in a closet or drawer. Additionally, be aware of who you let into your dorm, and don’t hesitate to report any suspicious behavior to campus security.
Beware of Strangers
One of the most important things that students can do to protect themselves and their belongings in college is to be aware of their surroundings and be cautious around strangers. It is important never to let anyone into the building who does not belong there and to always be aware of who is around you. If someone does attempt to enter the building or seems suspicious, it is important to immediately notify security or the police. Additionally, students should keep their doors locked at all times and never leave valuable belongings unsecured.
Install Window Locks
Window locks are a basic security measure that can be taken to help secure your dorm room. If the window locks are not already present, they can be easily installed with just a few simple tools. Window locks can deter burglars from attempting to break into your room and can also provide peace of mind while you are away from your room.
Keep Your Door Locked
The importance of keeping your door locked while you are in college cannot be stressed enough. One of the best ways to keep your dorm safe is by always locking your door, even when you are just stepping out for a few minutes. Additionally, it is important to use deadbolts on all exterior doors and invest in quality locks. If you have a security system, make sure to use it! And lastly, be sure to keep your valuables hidden or locked away in a safe place.
Making your dorm more secure is important, but it doesn’t have to be expensive or difficult. By keeping an eye on your belongings, being aware of strangers, installing window locks, and keeping your door locked, you can make your dorm feel safe and secure.