The Bible doesn’t just tell the story of Jesus. It also tells of the prophecies of the future. One example of this is in the Book of Revelations. For millennia, the Book of Revelations has held a sense of wonder and fear among those who have read it. Some Christians are afraid of what the book foretells, while others try to avoid reading it altogether. But what is the Book of Revelations?
The Book of Revelations and The Book of Life
The Book of Revelations tells of the revelations of Jesus Christ. In other words, this book is about the uncovering and the unveiling of God’s plan for his people. It also emphasizes the power of Jesus Christ. In the Book of Revelations is where you will find the story of The Beast. Sometime in the future, the world will be ruled by a “Godless man.” It is said that this man will preside over an evil Government system. In the Bible’s book of Revelations, this Godless man is known as The Beast.
In Revelations is also where you will find the Lamb’s Book of Life. Your name is already written in this book as a child of God. Christianity is rooted in the belief in God the Almighty. The names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life are a list of names of those who are set to live with God on earth and in Heaven forever. The first time the Lamb’s Book of Life is mentioned by Jesus is in Luke 10:20, and Jesus said in this verse that “rejoice because your names are written in heaven.” Essentially, the Book of Life is a name of all heaven’s residents, names that were written there by God himself.
Who Is the Beast In the Book of Revelation?
In the Book of Revelation, the ruler of the end of time is called “The Beast.” In Chapter 13, John receives a horrible vision in this nightmare. In this vision, he sees a dragon and two beasts. The first beast emerges from the sea and receives its power from the dragon (Satan). Revelation 13:1-2 describes this beast as a “true monstrosity.” The depiction of this beast in the bible describes it as a being with ten horns and seven heads. On its horns, it had ten crowns and every head had a blasphemous name. John describes this beast as akin to a leopard but with a mouth that looked like a lion’s mouth and feet that looked like that of a bear.
The dragon emerged from the sea and gave his throne, power, and authority to the beast. Revelations 13:5-8 point out that the antichrist will be given this same authority. With that authority, the antichrist or The Beast will go on to create a war against those who seek to overcome them.
According to the Book of Revelations, everyone in the world will be set to worship the beast. The beast was given a mouth that could utter blasphemous words and proud words. When the beast would open its mouth, it would be to blaspheme God, and the beast would continue to do this for forty-two months. The beast will seek to slander his name, his dwelling place, and all those who reside in heaven.
There are only a few who have the power to resist, and those few are the ones whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of the Life. This is the lamb who was slain from the creation of the world. The Book of Revelations continues to say that anyone who has ears would listen. It calls on God’s people to have patience, faithfulness, and endurance. If you have all of these, you will not fall prey to the mark of the beast.
The Second Beast
The story continues in the Book of Revelations with a second beast emerging from the sea. This beast had two horns, but when it spoke, it spoke like a dragon. The second beast would set out to exercise the same authority that the first beast has on its behalf. The beast was powerful and could cause fire to fall down from heaven, where it was in full view of everyone. Because it was given the authority to perform all the powers of the first beast, the Earth’s inhabitants were deceived. This beast would also be the one who would force all the people of earth to accept a mark on their foreheads or right hand. This mark would bear the name of the beast or the number by which the beast was associated with.
To avoid falling prey to the mark of the beast would call for wisdom. Only those with great insight could calculate what the number of the beast was. This is because the number of the beast would be the number of a man. That number is none other than 666.
Can Those In the Book of Life Refuse the Mark of The Beast?
Revelations 3:5 states “He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life. I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels.” Based on this passage, Christians can deduce that overcoming the mark of the beast requires resounding and unshaken faith in God. Believe in the Lord and you can overcome any temptation, for that is the promise of God. God is the promise of eternal life, and if we hold firm to the promise of the Lord, the ultimate reward is eternal life in Heaven by his side. All who worship the Lord will be saved and they will not be slain from the foundation of the world. The term “foundation of the world” is a phrase that is commonly uttered throughout the Bible. The term is used to refer to God’s plan for the world before he created it, thus the term “foundation.”
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