If you love football, you need to ensure that you prepare to play and practice football with proper warmups, transitions, and exercises.
In order to practice football safely you need to integrate:
- Field/Court Workouts
- Alternative lifts
- And lots of proper equipment
There is a warm up routine designed for both Lifting Workouts as well as the Field/Court workouts. Unlike for sports videogames you can find on ReyadaGames.net,These warm ups are important as they will prepare your body for the workout at hand, help prevent injuries, address any mobility limitations you may have as an athlete. But most importantly, it will increase athleticism through improving technique and coordination.
Field/Court Workouts
The field/court workouts can be performed in any gym, field, or open area you have available. These workouts are not to be performed in season, but rather during the offseason to improved speed, agility, change of direction, first step quickness, and jumping ability. These workouts should be performed in addition to the lifting program. Ideally you would perform these workouts on your non-lifting days, or prior to your lifting workout.
Workout programs were designed to incorporate equipment that is commonly found in a High School weight room. Dumbbells, barbells, bench, squat rack, and med balls are all required equipment. Other beneficial equipment but not absolutely necessary are Hex/Trap bar deadlift, bumper weighted plates, and a jump stretch elastic band.
Alternative Lifts
If you lack any of the equipment mentioned above then the “Alternative Lift” file is for you. We list some alternative lifts that you would be able to perform instead. Additionally some gyms will have a prowler or sled, this piece of equipment can be very beneficial in your athletic development. So if you have this piece of equipment we want you to take advantage of it. This sheet gives you some examples on how to include it into your workouts.
Health is really a dynamic process, one which always changes. As you train or enjoy an off-season your health will change. Regular physical activity improves health and decreases the chances of getting sick. Remember too that beyond nutrition and physical activity, methods for coping with stress, doing well in school or relationships, and caring of the mind as well as the body is imperative to overall health and well-being. Each week you can maximize your health by working toward new goals, improving the efficiency of each workout even if it is one you have done before, and striving for balance in all the various types of workouts and forms of health.
Parents and fitness teachers or coaches have a responsibility to guide and motivate younger athletes and students to improve health levels, not just physical activity. Good role models should demonstrate these traits so as to lead by example. It is important not to focus only on physical benefits of exercise, but on the mental health benefits.
Pursuing each week of training and each new level on the pyramid is only done with regular, hard work. Understanding why you want to achieve these goals and how they will benefit you creates a solid foundation from which to go through each weekly routine.
Remember that endurance work helps you improve your heart, lung, and circulatory health. You can do cardiovascular workouts about thirty minutes per day on the days that you are completing your routines, as part of a warm up routine.
Flexibility improves your joints and muscles. You should perform flexibility training each day, stretching all of your major muscle groups in order to encourage and develop your mobility.
Strength improves your muscles, bones, and posture. You can use the resistance training to develop better endurance and muscular strength.