WIFI users are basically at significant risk from hackers if they are using public wifi.. The current explosion of public and free WIFI has been a considerable boon. Free access points are available at hotels, restaurants, bookstores, airports, and random retail outlets. Such freedom has a price attached, though, and very few truly understand the risks that public WIFI connections are associated with. Before learning about what are the risks associated with public WIFI, let’s know what WIFI is.
WIFI is basically a wireless technology that is used for connecting tablets, smartphones, computers, and various other devices to the internet. WIFI is a radio signal that is sent from the wireless router to nearby devices, which converts such signals into data that you see as well as use. The device transfers a radio signal back to a router, which simply connects to the internet by a cable or wire.
A WIFI network is an internet connection shared with various devices in a business or home through a wireless router. The router is attached directly to your modem and serves as a hub to broadcast internet signals to all WIFI-enabled electronic devices. This provides you with the flexibility to remain connected to the internet for as long as you are within the network coverage area.
What is public WIFI?
Whether you work remotely, constantly travel or just love remaining connected to an internet network wherever you go, there are high chances that you use a public WIFI hotspot. It is a free and readily available internet connection in areas like restaurants, airports, libraries, coffee shops, hotel rooms, public transit, etc.
Using such accessible WIFI networks is super convenient as it permits you to readily access online accounts, catch up on unfinished work, and check emails while you are out. However, such networks can make you vulnerable to internet attacks, also addressed by the term cyberattacks.
What are the major risks attached to public WIFI?
The same feature that makes the free hotspot desirable for consumers also makes them extremely desirable for hackers. It becomes easier for hackers to hack public WIFI as it requires zero authentication to establish the network connection, which thereby creates a great opportunity for hackers to avail unfettered access to unsecured devices on the same network.
The biggest threat to free WIFI is the potential for hackers to position themselves between you and the connection point. So, in place of directly being connected with a hotspot, in such a scenario, you tend to send your data to hackers who relay it. Though working in such a setup, hackers get access to every piece of information you are sending out on the internet, which includes credit card information and security credentials, there is one specific way can avoid such exchange of information with the hacker, i.e., not open any important document or make a transaction through public WIFI.
Doing so is important as once the hacker gets your data he can access your system easily at any time. Also, hackers can use unsecured WIFI connections to distribute the malware. If you permit file sharing throughout such a network, the hacker can simply plant infected software on your personal computer. A few ingenious hackers have also managed to hack the point of connection itself, causing a window pop-up to appear during the connection process, offering the upgrade to any piece of popular software. If you click on the window, then it may install the malware automatically.
As WIFI becomes more common, you can expect internet security problems and public WIFI risk to increase over time. However, this does not mean that you should ban the use of free public WIFI. A majority of hackers simply go after easy targets. Thus, taking the right precautions can keep your info safe.
Use the VPN
VPN or virtual private network connection is important when connecting with the business via an unsecured connection like the WIFI hotspot. Even if a hacker looks to position himself in the midst of the connection, the data here is strongly encrypted. As most hackers are after a simple target, they are likely to discard stolen info instead of putting it through a lengthy decryption process.
SSL connection
You are not likely to have a VPN connection for general browsing on the net, but you can include an encryption layer to your web communication. Always ensure to use the HTTPs option on the sites that you use frequently or where you need to enter your credentials. Note that the hackers understand how people reuse passwords, so your username, as well as the password for a few forums, might be the same as it is for your corporate or bank network and sending such credentials in an encrypted manner can open doors for smart hackers. Many sites that need an account or credential have an option for HTTPS mentioned in the setting.
Turn off the sharing option.
When you connect to the internet at a public location, you are very unlikely to share anything. Note that you can turn off the sharing from system preferences or the control panel manually. You may also let your windows switch it off automatically for you by selecting the option “public” the initial time you connect to any unsecured new network.
Keep the WIFI off at times when you do not require it.
Even if you have not actively connected to the network, WIFI hardware in your personal computer may still transmit data between the network within the range. There are a good number of security steps that can help prevent minor communication from being compromised. Note that all wireless routers are merely the same, and hackers may be extremely smart. If you are just using a word or excel on a computer, then ensure to keep your WIFI off.
In conclusion, using public WIFI can put your devices and data at risk. However, with the right precautions, you can use public WIFI without compromising your safety.
So, next time whether you are connecting to a public WIFI connection in Delhi, Mumbai or Kolkata, be alert and ensure to follow the tips mentioned above to avoid the risk involved in public WIFI networks.