What Are the Crucial Sectors that Every Software Engineer Must Focus on?
Are you currently pursuing software engineering from a reputed university? Well, it is high time that you pay full attention to your studies. This is because you are up against hundreds of applicants waiting to get into the top-rated firms. If you struggle to understand a topic, you must clarify it immediately and seek assignment help from the professional experts.
To stay at the top of your game, you must possess certain skill sets. You must hone your skills from time to time to stay updated with the latest trend. For this, you can pursue courses at Coursera, Udemy, edX or even apply for courses at the universities. However, it is imperative for the engineer to know about:
- Programming Languages and Scripting
Today, you need to have proficiency in more than one programming language. Essentially, you must have expertise on one programming language for each mainstream development paradigms. These involve:
- Procedural programming languages (C, COBOL, PL/I, FORTRAN, etc.)
- Object-oriented programming languages (Smalltalk, Java, C++, etc.)
- Statistical programming language (MATLAB, Scala, SAS, R, etc.)
- Functional programming languages (Erlang, Clojure, F#, etc.)
- Declarative programming languages (SQL, XSLT, regular expressions, etc.)
Are you aware of the fact that 70% of the coding jobs are outside the technology field? Hence, coding languages have practical applications in every sphere of life.
On the other hand, scripting languages are used for both batch and interactive use. It is primarily used in the production of Common Gateway Interface, CGI, scripts, etc. Unfortunately, if you are not familiar with Python, you have to learn a scripting language to be able to pull off crucial tasks. These involve JavaScript, VBScript, REXX, etc. These languages are reputed for the economy of expression, flexible, dynamic typing and sophisticated pattern matching.
- Database Management
Data maintenance, retrieval, editing are some important tasks that every company has to perform. With the advent of Big Data, Data Science, and Analytics, the data structure is gaining more importance. Most languages have comprehensive libraries for container, sorting and other operations. These include SQL, Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, etc. Interestingly, SQL has been around since the 1970s when it was developed by IBM researchers like Donald Chamberlin and Raymond Boyce.
As far as Database Management is concerned, you have to learn to write queries, write precise programs with packages, debug procedures, triggers, etc. You have to know what keys are, joins, data modeling, fact and dimension table types, Star Schema, Snow Flake Schema, DDL and DML. With time you will be able to master the intricacies involved in Object-Oriented and Object-Relational databases.
- Cloud Computing
Over the decade, Cloud computing has become standard for businesses of all shapes and sizes. That means it’s now a basic competency for any software engineer or programmer.
Today, 90% of the companies are on the cloud, due to its many advantages, including:
- Increased security.
- Reduced cost.
- Improved scalability.
- Ease of deployment.
- Improved flexibility
According to the experts, almost 60% of workloads are running on hosted cloud service in 2019. Just look around you. Netflix runs on the cloud for video streaming services. Gmail uses the cloud for backup of photos, Apple has iCloud, etc.
There exist three cloud computing model- IaaS, Saas and PaaS. Software as a Service can be used from a central location, hosted on a remote server, and is accessible all over the net. Platform as a Service is built on virtualization technology, is accessible to numerous users via the same development application and integrates web services.
On the other hand, Infrastructure as a Service is highly scalable, and cost varies on consumption. There are multiple users on a single hardware, and the services are dynamic and flexible.
- Basics of Lean Management and Project Management
In order to speed up various processes, companies are relying on Project Management and Lean Management applications. The Lean methodology relies on 3 ideas which are:
- Continuous development
- Elimination of unnecessary facts and records
- Gathering values from customer perspectives
There are various applications like 5S, Andon, Bottleneck, Gemba which offers help with:
- Value Identification
- Value Stream Mapping
- Continuous Workflow
- Creating a Pull System for Smarter Processes
- Continuous Improvement of productivity and Efficiency
On the other hand, Project Management applications like Basecamp, Asana, Trello, OmniPlan offer advantages like:
- Improving the chances of achieving the desired result
- Gaining a fresh perspective on your project, and how it fits with your business strategy
- Setting the scope, schedule and budget accurately from the start
- Staying on schedule and keeping costs to budget
- Encouraging consistent communications amongst staff, suppliers and clients
- Mitigating risks of a project failing
- Gaining a competitive advantage and boost your bottom line
As you can imagine, both software applications are indispensable.
- Data Structure and Algorithm
You have to be well aware of the linked lists, arrays, stacks and queues in order to manage data. They are an essential part of any computer algorithm. Unless you know how data is stored and arranged in the disk space of the computer, how will you retrieve it or modify it? In order to find the data, you have to conduct Binary Search. For sorting, you apply Heap Sort, Bubble Sort, etc.
While coding, you have to consider space complexity, time complexity as it helps in smooth execution of programs. If you are unsure about the topic, you must seek software engineering assignment help from your peers or the professional experts.
Algorithms and data structure are closely associated. Knowing accurate algorithms helps us with:
- Runtime Analysis
- Sorting
- Selecting the Shortest Path
- Sequence Comparison
Basically, it is the blueprint of your code, and it acts the “logic” which you have to apply to achieve the result. This is the reason why you hear about algorithms like Turing’s algorithm, Flood fill Algorithm or Depth First Search. Each algorithm has its unique application, and the developer has to be very particular about using the ‘coding outline’.
In addition to this, you have to know IDEs like IntelliJIDEA and Visual Studio. These applications make profiling and debugging easier. Moreover, do not underestimate the importance of Microsoft Excel. It comes in handy at the time of data science, project planning, data science, reconciliation of data, etc.
You also have to understand the business of your customer and improve communication skills, in order to flourish. Most importantly, you have to keep on reading and enhancing your skills to stand out from the rest of the programmers and developers.