What is a wireframe?
A wireframe is a schematic structure of a website, app, or page. It is a kind of building drawing. They are made to give all elements and functionalities within a screen a logical place without being “distracted” by visual items. Therefore (usually), they lack color, typographic style, photography, illustrations, and focus on function, behavior & hierarchy of content. The emphasis is on what the screen does, not what it looks like.
In any software development company, wireframing is a screen blueprint of visual presentation for a website. The floor plan for a house does not describe exactly what type of tiles and showerheads will be fitted in the bathroom, but it does illustrate the bathroom’s general layout and placement.
With a wireframe, the components of a site are not yet substantively filled in; however, you can see where all that will be and how the client should manage it. Exactly how accurate a wireframe is varied a lot; it depends on who makes it; however, you can get a decent general idea of the website. It is beneficial for the design team to use this wireframe as a reference for adding additional elements to the website.
How do you build a wireframe?
There’s not a right or wrong way to build a wireframe; the main thing is to employ workable mobile app developers who can do your job in a fast, easy way. Even, before you build your first wireframe, there are a few things to consider:
You can verify what stuff is shown on each web page and display it in your wireframe. For example, consider essential interface elements: header, footer, sidebar, and content. Offer adequate details to give a sense of the appearance of the features.
Then think of the next elements that this particular project needs to include: things like a search field, navigation, tabs, interactive elements, & illustrations. Process this on your wireframe. It is not necessary to describe everything in detail yet. One wireframe is more detailed than the other. If you’re using the wireframe as a guide, it shouldn’t be too precise. If you have an entire team working on your project and are using a wireframe as a reference for that team, then it makes sense to go into more detail and use a more formal tone. This formal tone also works if you want the customer to see your wireframe.
The parts a wireframe focuses on are:
- Determine (all) the
functionality of a site. - Visualization of the mutual
relationship and priority/hierarchy between information and functionality
(layout). - Determining the rules for
displaying certain information.
Types of wireframes
As we know, both Android and iOS app developers can work on wireframes. It may have various levels of detail. These levels demonstrate how similar the wireframe is with the final product. We separate them into Low fidelity and High fidelity.
1. Low Fidelity:
A low fidelity wireframe is a simple abstract black and white wireframe that uses only surfaces, lines, and mostly dummy content (such as Lorem-ipsum text and gray areas as a photo placeholder). These types of wireframes can be easily set up & then you quickly have a global picture of the site, page, or app layout.
2. High fidelity:
High fidelity wireframes are recorded in more detail, e.g., with actual names, body text, text buttons, use of grayscale (to differentiate hierarchically), and often even some colors,
Example: animation and interactivity
In some cases, a wireframe click template is also created. This means you can click on individual pages, e.g., working or navigation buttons that perform an action. This can even go as far as making extended animations and interactions in wireframe. This way, you can partially text UI and UX. These types of wireframes obviously can no longer be printed on paper. they are almost working prototype
Elements of a wireframe:
Website wireframes can be divided into 3 elements: information design, navigation design, and interface design. In the layout, these elements are combined. In the wireframe, the relationship between these elements becomes apparent.
1. Information design:
Information design is the presentation, positioning, and prioritization of information understandably and logically. The details must be delivered in such a way that direct communication is possible. In so doing, the user must always meet the purposes and actions that must always be met.
2. Navigation design:
navigation between and within the pages of a website is determined in the navigation design. Here, too, the relationship between navigation elements and links must be clear. The main components, the sub-levels, and even deeper structures and the way they are accessed have a place in this.
Interface design: “User interface design,” commonly called “UI,” is the design and arrangement of the elements that the user (user) must manage (interact) with the functionality of a page. The goal is to make your experience more user-friendly, transparent and effective. Interface elements are also used, such as keys, fields for input, menus for downloading, etc.
On websites that rely heavily on experience, you often see interactions that go too far to be included in a wireframe, such as parallax movements when scrolling or “drag and drop” behavior in games or web apps. Even “pinch to zoom,” which you use on touch devices to zoom in on maps, hasn’t been replaced by a standard wireframe. However, a user can achieve this in a high fidelity wireframe/prototype.
You might want to consider hiring a wireframing expert if your human resources are limited to budget. Choose the best iOS and Android app developers who have hands full of experience with in-depth knowledge.
Advantages of Wireframe in app development
Creating wireframes saves time and money. No matter how small the project is, it’s always worth creating wireframes. For large complex sites, these will have to be more extensive and further elaborated. But even for a simple website, it is recommended to quickly and easily capture the wireframe pages.
You can easily maintain an overview of the number of pages (or page types) of a site. The way these pages are linked (site map/structure) is also easy to see. This summary’s visual representation clarifies all interested parties, whether all main events, priorities, and features have been protected. You ultimately save time with this as you can’t overlook anything.
• Reuse:
Recurring features or elements are easily recognizable (at the beginning) and can therefore be reused. This saves time and money because some things don’t have to be designed/built that often (just differently).
• Quick Adjustment:
wireframe can often be adjusted faster than a fully detailed visual design or pre-programmed page. Thanks to the wireframes’ simple design, changes can be made at an early stage, which would become more involved or take more time later in a project. Therefore, it is generally a good idea to spend a little more time on the wireframe and set it up correctly. This way, you can prevent making complicated and costly changes to the design and development of your app or website at a later stage. Conclusion:
As we discussed above wireframing is the most crucial part in the development whether it is app or website. You need to select companies which have good knowledge and expertise in smooth transition from wireframing to final app/website. To get find such company/developer we recommend you to visit AndroidDevelopers.co it’s a Mobile Application Developer Directory where you have hundreds of Mobile Application Development Companies across India and the Globe that partner with us, work with us to deliver a quality-driven mobile app development service. You can choose the one most preferable that matches your requirement. The companies are based on the Merit Level.