Taking a break from your makeup and hair products in this quarantine is okay. Still, you should not forget to practice your daily skincare routine diligently, including cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing, or rejuvenating using DIY face masks. Practicing a strict skincare ritual will help avoid any unintended skin damage.
You can stick to your usual skincare routine or even adopt a few new practices, such as incorporating superfoods from Teelixir Australia in your daily diet. Here are some important skincare things that you shouldn’t absolutely miss at any cost.
Never skip the SPF
Not going out in the sun doesn’t imply that you can ditch your sunscreen. Applying sunscreen indoors is also necessary if you want to avoid sun-damaged skin, as the sun’s harmful UV rays can still attack your skin from those glass windows. These rays can penetrate your skin and cause early wrinkles, fine lines, and other skin damage.
Moreover, the blue light waves emitted from electronic devices can also damage your skin, similar to UV rays. Therefore, you must apply your daily dose of SPF regardless of whether you are chilling at home or you’re working out.
Don’t forget your night skincare ritual
Cleansing every night is the most important thing, whether you are coming from a party or just watching Netflix in quarantine—nothing should hinder your bedtime skincare routine. Applying a costly serum to repair your skin will not get absorbed if you don’t remove last night’s dirt, makeup, and dead skin cells first.
Cleanse daily
Several environmental and mental factors can damage and age your skin early. Therefore, don’t forget to wash your face every day with a gentle cleanser in the morning. This daily skincare ritual will help your skin repair itself and prep for another. Moreover, creating this simple habit can make your other skincare steps much easier.
Exfoliate every few days
Exfoliating your skin every couple of days is as important as cleansing, to prevent your skin from drying out, becoming irritated, or chafed. If you are feeling lazy, you can always use an exfoliator instead of a cleanser to clean your skin and remove all the dead skin cells at the same time.
Get enough sleep
With workload and stressful lives, many people have complained of not getting quality sleep or disrupting their sleep schedule during this pandemic. So, you should try to get a good night’s sleep because no expensive skincare products will work on a sleep-deprived skin and body.
Lack of sleep can lead to several major skin issues such as dark circles, which no amount of serums can help remove. So, have a daily sleep pattern, stick to it, and avoid staying up until 3 am.
Healthy diet
Looking after your skin externally is not enough; you must also focus on your inner health. If your diet is full of processed junk, it’s time to shift to superfoods like mushrooms and other immunity-boosting foods that not only ensure a healthy body, but will also ensure a healthy and glowing skin.
Follow the above skincare steps to ensure a healthy, glowing and youthfull skin!