The pace of online business is moving fast, and every day there are more tools and methods available for fund managers and professional financial advisors to help them do their important work faster and better than ever before. Online financial management can be a complicated process, and it’s critical to not just stay abreast of new developments in technological resources, but to stay a step or two ahead of them! If you are an industry administration professional, the following are some of the best cutting-edge software and technological developments available that can help you better help your clients:
- SMSF – This acronym stands for self managed super fund software a cloud-based system that automates many of the time-consuming tasks that formerly had to be managed in person, freeing up time for fund managers and financial advisors to devote to taking personal care of their customer’s unique needs. The SMSF system can streamline tax statement data, bulk process corporate actions, provide storage for important documents and automate income generation. The system keeps all of this data in one place allowing it to be easily accessed by your team and your clients from any device! The convenience and speed this brings to your endeavours is nothing short of amazing!
- VOIP – This stands for voice over internet protocol, a mode of communication which enables you to make phone calls across a broadband internet connection rather than having to use standard telephone lines or traditional smartphone connections. This has the tremendous advantage of enabling you to connect with anyone else using the same program wherever they are in the world without having to pay the exorbitant fees telephone service providers tend to charge. These services have been around for a while now, Skype was a pioneer, but now there are plenty of other options to choose from, Facebook Messenger and Zoom being among the most popular, with even more new services coming online all the time. This technology has revolutionized the way we do business, saving corporations billions of dollars in transport fees thanks to the ability to hold a meeting with multiple participants in real-time across continents!
- Cybersecurity – These sets of tools and software are dedicated to protecting a business’s computer systems, local networks, and important programs from a wide variety of digital attacks like hacking and virus spreading. Cyberattacks generally target sensitive information with attempts to access, manipulate, steal and even delete your company’s digital resources! The practice of extorting money from users with malignant hacker tools like ransomware has been on the increase in recent years, costing companies huge amounts of time and money! Just the unexpected interruption of normal business processes is enough to be of grave concern, so engaging the services of advanced cybersecurity systems that are specially designed to put a stop to this kind of mischief has become an absolute requirement for any business.
The Australian Government’s Business Department now lists online digital tools and software as an essential component of participating in today’s business world, so check their official website for helpful suggestions and information. This is just a small sampling of all the wondrous technologies that can take your business forward into the future!