A neurologist may diagnose, treat, and manage illnesses and conditions that affect your central nervous system. You need to consult them if you have any conditions or disorders that affect the way you think, move, or talk. You may experience different symptoms depending on the part of your nervous system that has been affected. According to Amor Mehta MD, you should see a neurologist if you experience the following symptoms:
1. Trouble Maintaining Your Balance
If you find yourself slipping on wet spots, missing a stair, or tumbling over more than usual, you may need the help of a neurologist. Even though occasional trips and falls are a normal part of life, you need help if you lose your balance often and experience other symptoms such as faintness and dizziness. About eight million people in the United States are reported to have balance disorders every year. The symptoms may get worse with old age. The disorders may be caused by Parkinson’s disease, inner ear problems, and problems with your leg nerves.
2. Neuropathic Pain
You get neuropathic pain when your nerves are damaged from a disease or injury. Diabetes is one of the most common causes of neuropathic pain. It may cause shooting, burning, or sharp pain. Other causes of neuropathic pain are stroke, brain damage, and spinal cord damage. Even though medication may not relieve the pain, your neurologist will help you identify the best treatment depending on your needs.
3. Sudden and Severe Headaches
Many people in the United States get headaches from hormonal imbalance, allergies, stress, and caffeine. However, migraines are different. They are severe headaches that may be accompanied by sensitivity to light, nausea, and vomiting. About 12 percent of Americans get migraines. They may be a sign of neurological conditions. If you have headaches that leave you with poor balance, vision loss, or weakness, you may need to seek emergency help.
4. Seizures
Seizures are an indication of disturbances in your brain. If you get them, you need to see a neurologist as soon as possible. They can cause loss of consciousness, unusual sensations, and uncontrollable movements. Your neurologist may perform brain testing and imaging to determine the root of your problem.
5. Trouble Sleeping Through the Night
If you have neurological problems, they may affect your ability to sleep. While poor bedtime habits, anxiety, and sleep apnea may affect your ability to get a good night’s rest, they are not always the cause of your problem. If you have trouble sleeping along with symptoms such as an uncontrollable sensation to move your legs, and drowsiness attacks, you probably have a neurological condition like restless leg syndrome or narcolepsy.
If you suspect that you may have a neurological condition, you need to consult your neurologist as soon as possible. They will give you a diagnosis and the most appropriate treatment. Choose a neurologist that is certified and experienced. They should have the expertise to treat a wide range of neurological conditions and disorders.