When talking about muscle-building, the term bar protein is never too far away from the conversation, which is largely due to the huge role that it plays in the process. It’s widely associated with increasing muscle mass and for good reason, as it’s a protein that makes up the basic foundations of your muscles. Without it – you wouldn’t have any!
If you think of your body being a modern-day home, it’s the protein that comprises the bricks. Typically speaking, your body can create a range of these amino acids on its own, but not all. Essential amino acids (a.k.a. EAAs), however, must come from external sources such as meat, nuts, fish and dairy products like eggs and butter.
Important Leucine Is Contained in Bar Protein
One of the most important components of protein in the muscle-building process is an amino acid known as leucine. That’s because, in high enough quantities, it’s able to trigger the synthesis of the protein in the body. Also, when you put your muscles through a workout, it’s leucine that’s needed to repair your muscle tissue and grow.
The reason why you feel sore the day after a workout is that exercising causes your muscles to slightly tear. Protein is also a central component of strong bones and lean tissue, so you can see exactly why supplementing yourself with it represents a good idea.
Signs You’re Not Getting Enough Protein
It’s not just bodybuilders who have a need to consume protein on a regular basis either, as it’s one of nature’s basic building blocks. You’d soon start to notice if you suddenly stopped eating protein. For starters, you’d quickly begin to feel weak and over time, you would lose more and more muscle mass.
In this position, you would benefit greatly from taking in bar protein, especially as without it, your strength would start to wane. Your metabolism would also suffer, slowing down and when anaemia kicks in, you’ll feel more and more tired as the day progresses.
Other signs of a protein deficiency include:
- Cuts that just won’t heal
- Intense hunger that just won’t quit
- Feeling weak & listless
As one of the body’s main sources of calories, protein is something that everyone needs to some degree. Even if you’re someone who doesn’t move from their couch for 10 hours a day, you still need protein to survive. When you’re working out, the amino acids it contains are even more essential, as their absence will make the job of muscle growth nigh on impossible.
Don’t Forget to Consider Your Need For Bar Protein!
If you find yourself working out month after month and you’re not getting the muscle growth to show for it, take a moment to review just how much protein you’re getting in your diet. When you understand where you stand, you’re in a much better position to take the necessary steps to change what’s possible.
We’ve seen many people decide to simply stop trying to build muscle because they feel, for them, it’s just not possible. The mistake they might be making is that they’re just not getting enough of the building blocks that allow their muscles to grow.
An obvious thing you might say, but a surprising number of gym-goers overlook it and fail to hit their targets as a result. Follow the advice we’ve given you here, and you won’t have to be one of them! You’ll be too busy admiring your new biceps to worry about it any more!